The utility model provides a stable clamping fixture for machine tools, which comprises a base, a fixed clamp plate and a moving clamp plate, the end of the fixed clamp plate is flush with the edge of one end of the base, the end of the moving clamp plate far away from the fixed clamp plate is provided with a connecting plate, the end of the connecting plate far away from the moving clamp plate is provided with a locking device, the edge of both sides of the base is provided with a limited position clamping strip, and the inner side of the limited position clamping strip is evenly arranged A tooth tooth is arranged on both sides of the locking device, and a clamp plate 1 and a clamp plate 2 matched with the tooth tooth 1 are respectively arranged. The matching of the tooth tooth 1 and the clamp plate 1 and the clamp plate 2 restricts the moving clamp plate from or near the fixed clamp plate. The clamp plate 1 and the clamp plate 2 are arranged perpendicular to the limit clamp strip. The locking device is provided with a mechanism for restricting the movement of the clamp plate 1 and the clamp plate 2 in the direction away from the limit clamp strip, It increases the stability of the moving splint and greatly increases the stability of the clamping of the workpiece to be processed.
在工业方面,经常会用到机床加工产品,在机械加工实际中,通常用到机床对工件毛坯进行快速、高精度地加工生产,而采用机床进行加工产品,就会用到机床夹具夹持工件进行加工,随着工业行业的不断发展,机械加工的种类也随之增加,随之夹具的种类也增加,因而对夹具的要求也越来越高。机床夹具是机械行业中常用的工具,机械制造过程中用来固定加工对象,使之占有正确的位置,以接受施工或检测的装置,又称卡具。从广义上说,在工艺过程中的任何工序,用来迅速、方便、安全地安装工件的装置,都可称为夹具。例如焊接夹具、检验夹具、装配夹具、机床夹具等,其中机床夹具最为常见,常简称为夹具。在机床上加工工件时,为使工件的表面能达到图纸规定的尺寸、几何形状以及与其他表面的相互位置精度等技术要求,加工前必须将工件装好(定位)、夹牢(夹紧),夹具通常由定位元件(确定工件在夹具中的正确位置)、夹紧装置、对刀引导元件(确定刀具与工件的相对位置或导引刀具方向)、分度装置(使工件在一次安装中能完成数个工位的加工,有回转分度装置和直线移动分度装置两类)、连接元件以及夹具体(夹具底座)等组成。夹具种类按使用特点可分为:1、万能通用夹具。如机用虎钳、卡盘、吸盘、分度头和回转工作台等,有很大的通用性,能较好地适应加工工序和加工对象的变换,其结构已定型,尺寸、规格已系列化,其中大多数已成为机床的一种标准附件。2、专用性夹具。为某种产品零件在某道工序上的装夹需要而专门设计制造,服务对象专一,针对性很强,一般由产品制造厂自行设计 ...