The invention relates to the field of competitive goods, in particular to a scoring contactor, which comprises an insulating base, a lower conductive sheet and an upper conductive sheet arranged on the base, an insulating component arranged between the middle part of the upper end face of the lower conductive sheet and the middle part of the lower end face of the upper conductive sheet for maintaining a certain gap between the upper end face of the lower conductive sheet and the lower end face of the upper conductive sheet, and an insulating component covered outside the upper conductive sheet An elastic insulating cover is arranged around the lower conductive sheet and the upper conductive sheet, and the lower conductor and the upper conductor for connecting with the counter are respectively arranged on the lower conductive sheet and the upper conductive sheet. The contactor is equipped with upper and lower conductive pieces which are connected with the counter. The wheels will contact the upper and lower conductive pieces twice when they are pressed from the positive middle of the contactor. The upper and lower conductive pieces will only contact once when they are pressed from the side, but they will not contact when they are not pressed to the upper and lower conductive pieces, so as to score and solve the scoring problem in the existing bicycle competitions.
目前分布在我国城乡的所有居住小区,能配备可进行体育比赛的运动场地,如篮球场、羽毛球场、网球场等的小区还是比较少的。原因主要是;一、城镇化的快速发展,使人口的密度迅速增大,原有的空地就变得越来越稀缺。二、现有的竞技项目对场地的利用率太低,像羽毛球,人均场地面积44平方米;篮球,人均场地面积60平方米;网球,人均场地面积167平方米等,明显受众面太小。三、现有竞技项目的场地尺寸早已标准化,小区空地的形状必须与球场的形状相吻合,能达标的自然就没几个。四、体育项目的比赛操作难易程是否适合当地群众,是否容易上手,掌握和推广是否存在技术屏障等等。这些问题不仅直接阻碍了全民健身的有效普及、加大了民众健身的各项成本,同时也浪费了包括道路、能源、时间等等在内的各种资源,更严重的是,对正在快速成长的少年儿童人群,因为在他(她)们的生活环境中不具备养成良好锻炼习惯的条件,以至于每天户外运动两小时的国家要求很难得到落实。长此以往对他(她)们的身心带来的种种影响是巨大而不可逆的。申请人之前申请了一些减速装置的专利,如专利201611256691.7所公开的单轮双筒减速装置、专利201611256729.0所公开的单筒双轮减速装置、专利201611258640.8所公开的单轮单滚筒减速装置、专利201611258711.4所公开的单轮式自行车减速装置、专利201510212136.3所公开的便携式自行车减速装置、专利201510211896.2所公开的二级传动的自行车减速训练装置、专利201510212363 ...