The utility model discloses a fixed tension adjusting device for a linkage type surgical mesh belt, which is oriented to the interactive control of the buckle connecting the surgical mesh belt and the tooth belt connecting the closed hole anchor. The tooth belt is connected to the eye hole of the locking belt and an elastic locking mechanism is arranged in the eye hole. The characteristics of the linkage adjusting device are as follows: the adjusting tube sleeved in the tooth belt is used for adjusting the tooth belt. The adjusting handle at one end is composed of a convex part on the outer wall of one end of the adjusting pipe away from the adjusting handle. The convex part slides and connects and is supported at the bottom of the elastic locking mechanism of the lock. The linkage adjusting device of the utility model has the advantages of simple structure, easy fabrication, long-distance flexible operation of locking or unlocking of one-way locking and easy adjustment along the two-way position of the tooth belt, and provides a convenient way for tension adjustment and locking of the surgical mesh belt.
女性尿失禁是女性常见病,目前据全球统计,患病率接近50%,其中约一半为压力性尿失禁(StressUrinaryIncontinence,SUI)。压力性尿失禁是指膀胱压大于最大尿道压时,在无膀胱逼尿肌收缩的状态下,尿液也不由自主地由尿道外口溢出,多在腹压突然增加时例如:大笑、喷嚏、咳嗽等时发生。绝经后人群更易发病。发病原因多数因为分娩时产伤,绝经后雌激素水平下降,盆底软组织松弛等。SUI在90年代中期开始被认为是影响人类健康的五大疾病之一,被称为“社交癌”。特别是在我国,随着人口进一步老龄化,SUI越来越受到人们的重视。最近一项单纯北京地区尿失禁发病率调查发现,女性人群中23%-45%有不同程度的尿失禁,7%左右有明显的尿失禁症状,其中约50%为压力性尿失禁。国外一组报道60岁以上尿失禁发病率女性37.7%。为此,寻求有效的治疗SUI的方法,具有迫切的、重大的临床意义。在手术治疗中无张力经阴道尿道中段悬吊术(Tension-freevaginaltape,TVT)是SUI治疗的金标准。目前认为TVT治愈率高、操作简便、创伤小、术后恢复快、并发症少、复发率低等优点并在临床上得到广泛应用。近年来,为减少创伤面,一种单切口经阴道无张力尿道中段悬吊术(SIS)便应运而生并实践性地日渐成熟。采用两端连接闭孔锚的手术网带,将闭孔锚分两侧先后定位于对应的闭孔膜上,并适度调节手术网带张力和位置即可完成手术,手术 ...