The invention discloses a multifunctional infusion device, which comprises a liquid storage box body, a separator and a gas guide tube; a separator divides the liquid storage box body into a left chamber and a right chamber; the volume of the left chamber is larger than that of the right chamber; a connecting hole is arranged at the bottom of the separator; a port of the gas guide tube is funnel-shaped, and the gas guide tube passes through the separator, and the port is funnel-shaped. One end is located at the bottom of the left chamber and the other end is located in the right chamber; the top of the left chamber is provided with a filling hole and a removable plug is arranged on the filling hole; the top of the right chamber is provided with an air intake hole; the bottom of the right chamber is provided with an infusion hole, and the rubber plug is arranged on the infusion hole; the end of the infusion hose is provided with a bottle plug to perforate. The puncture device is provided with an intravenous needle at the other end, a drip bucket, a flow rate regulator and a medicine liquid filter are arranged on the infusion hose, and the bottle plug puncture device passes through the infusion hole. The multi-functional infusion device of the invention can drop medicine at a uniform and stable speed no matter the infusion speed is fast or slow.
医用输液瓶是用于病人输液时装所输人体内医用配置的液体的瓶子。输液器是用于静脉输液的经过无菌处理的、建立静脉与药液之间通道的常见的一次性的医疗耗材。一般由静脉针、护帽、输液软管、药液过滤器、流速调节器、滴斗、瓶塞穿刺器、进气管、空气过滤器连接组成。在大气压力作用下,输液瓶内液体顺着较细的输液软管流入滴斗,当滴斗水柱压力大于静脉压时,瓶内的液体顺着软管流入静脉。医务人员使用前检查一次性输液器的消毒有效期及包装有无漏气及其他异常,取出输液器,将圆锥接头部分插入输液瓶,挂输液瓶于输液杆上,排气至药液流至输液管下端,关紧调节器,再将静脉针刺入消毒好的静脉,固定好之后,解开止血带,调整流速。现有的输液器存在以下问题:第一,刚开始的时候输液管中的药液流速较快,随着药液流出,瓶中的液柱稍有降低,上方气体体积稍有变大,压强稍有减小,使得瓶口处的总压强稍小于外界大气压,外大气压强就将空气从进气管压入瓶中补充,使瓶口处的压强基本上保持在一个大气压,使药液能匀速稳定地滴下,不随瓶中药液的逐渐减少再改变.。而但是开始时瓶中气体的压强大约为一个大气压,瓶口处的压强大于一个大气压,所以开始的一段时间内总是滴得很快,容易给病人身体带来不适。第二,输液速度较快时,输液瓶中的液位短时间变化较大,由于进气管设置在瓶塞穿刺器上,进气管的进气通道非常细,空气就无法及时的通过进气管进入输液瓶内补充,从而使得输液瓶口处的压强时变化的而不是恒定的,因此会出现药液无法匀速稳定的滴下的现象。如何保证输液时,不管 ...