The invention discloses an energy-saving and convenient gardening leaf suction machine for treating sticky leaves. Its structure includes an engine seat, a push frame, a leaf collecting box, a walking wheel, a leaf suction fan, a leaf suction head and a leaf removal device. The scraping frame is discharged from the storage bin by sliding down the sliding entry and exit mechanism through a control mechanism, and is locked and fixed by a positioning lock block, and then the machine is driven to move for scraping. The scraper of the scraper on the removal rack glides on the ground, thus realizing the removal and absorption of the leaves adsorbed on the ground, avoiding the high energy consumption brought by the leaves by increasing horsepower, so as to achieve the energy-saving effect and ensure the treatment effect of the whole garden deciduous leaves. The invention realizes the scraping by using the cone thorns on the surface of the inclined baffle of the scraper and the scraper to cooperate with each other. In addition to adsorbing leaves, impurities such as branches and stones falling on the leaves can be shoveled off to avoid the suppression of impurities on the leaves, thus further ensuring the scraping and recovery of leaves.
针对现有技术存在的不足,本专利技术目的是提供一种节能便捷处理粘叶的园林吸叶机,以解决上述设备雨后,由于地面潮湿,园林吸叶机在吸收路面上的落叶时,往往会遇到有些落叶沾满雨水后吸合在地面上的情况,形成较大附着力,在对落叶进行处理时其吸叶风机的吸力就很难吸收这些落叶,此时就需要加大马力才能将这些吸合在地面上的落叶吸走,但是增大输出马力后就会比较耗能,达不到节能环保的作用的问题。为了实现上述目的,本专利技术是通过如下的技术方案来实现:一种节能便捷处理粘叶的园林吸叶机,其结构包括发动机座、推架、集叶箱、行走轮、吸叶风机、吸叶头、除叶装置,所述发动机座后端表面与推架底端采用电焊连接,所述推架之间与集叶箱顶部四周通过扣环紧固扣合连接,所述发动机座两侧连接与行走轮紧 ...