The utility model relates to a sliding platform type hydraulic locking hoop bending device, which comprises a machine base, a machine head and a machine wheel. A track is arranged on the machine base, five machine heads are arranged in parallel on the tracks, a cylinder and an oil cylinder matched with the machine head are arranged on the machine head, a bearing plate is arranged at the bottom of the machine head, and a sliding device for sliding on the track is arranged below the bearing plate. A hydraulic cylinder is arranged between them, and a pressure plate is arranged below the hydraulic cylinder, and an inner baffle and an outer baffle matching the upper part of the track are respectively arranged below the bearing plates on both sides of the sliding device; the friction force between the bearing plate and the track is reduced by the sliding device of the utility model, which facilitates sliding running, saves time and labor, and improves working efficiency; Top pressure track, with internal and external baffles, can quickly and firmly fix the nose, and positioning will not cause the nose offset, to ensure processing accuracy.
随着建筑业的迅猛发展,建筑钢筋加工任务日益繁重,特别是箍筋的需求量增长非常快。现有线材弯箍机中,简单的弯箍机由于生产效率低下无法满足市场需求。而现有的数控钢筋弯箍机虽然具有产能大、效率高的优点,但普遍价格昂贵,而且在弯曲大尺寸线材时,受到弯曲速度的限制,效率大打折扣。且现有的弯箍机大都采用电气定位和锁紧,导致生产出的产品曲弯角度不一致,为了消除传统的电气定位所造成的误差、保证每批材料曲弯角度的一致性,需要采用气缸进行定位锁紧。本申请人于2018年1月19日申请的专利号为CN201820093603.4的技术专利“动五机头弯箍机”,提供的解决方案为采用一种气动五机头弯箍机,包括机座、机头及机轮,所述机座上设置有轨道,轨道上并列安装有五个机头,所述机头可在轨道上滑动,所述轨道底部固定设置有轮条机构,所述机头包括后支板、弯箍机构、定位板及调整装置,所述后支板和定位板相对设置在滑动板上,所述调整装置设置在后支板和定位板之间并位于靠近滑动板边缘处,滑动板下方设有油缸,所述后支板上设有弯箍机构,所述后支板背部还设有第一气缸,所述第一气缸用于推动伸缩中心轴进行伸缩,所述滑动板下方垂直设有锁紧支板,锁紧支板内外侧分别设有锁紧装置和气缸连接臂,通过气缸进行锁紧和驱动中心轴,动作快速灵活、定位精确,解决了上述技术问题。当时在实际使用的过程中发现了新的问题:一方面,原先滑动板与轨道之间面与面接触滑动摩擦,摩擦力较大,调节移动机头时费力耗时,影响工作效率;另一方面,在机头调整到 ...