The utility model discloses an air flow crusher, which comprises a crushing cylinder and a main air duct to supply air for the crushing cylinder. The lower part of the crushing cylinder is connected with a conical discharge cylinder with a discharge outlet at the lower end face. The outer cover of the crushing cylinder is provided with an annular air duct connected with the main air duct. The annular air duct is equipped with several connecting ports at equal intervals. Each connecting port is connected with a metal hose, and the metal hose is connected with a threaded nozzle. Connecting, the crushing cylinder under the annular air duct has multiple threaded holes at equal intervals along the circumference, the number of threaded holes is the same as the number of connecting holes. The threaded nozzle threads are connected in the threaded holes, and the threaded nozzle can spirally move along its axis in the threaded holes. A rapid discharge device is arranged between the conical discharge cylinder and the main air duct. The utility model uses an effective range adjustable nozzle to adjust the impact force, and can also use a rapid unloading device to complete rapid unloading. The use process is convenient and fast, and the nozzle is easy to disassemble and maintain, and the production efficiency is improved.
金刚砂又名碳化硅(SiC)是用石英砂、石油焦(或煤焦)、木屑(生产绿色碳化硅时需要加食盐)等原料通过电阻炉高温冶炼而成,碳化硅主要多为人造,常见的方法是将石英砂与焦炭混合,利用其中的二氧化硅和石油焦,加入食盐和木屑,置入电炉中,加热到2000℃左右高温,经过各种化学工艺流程后得到碳化硅微粉。现在气流粉碎机工作时,压缩空气经过滤干燥后通过喷嘴高速喷射入粉碎筒,在多股高压气流的交汇点处,碳化硅原料被反复碰撞、摩擦、剪切而粉碎,粉碎后的物料在风机抽力作用下,随上升气流运动至粉碎筒分级区,在高速旋转的分级蜗轮产生的强大离心力作用下使粗细物料分离,符合粒度要求的细粒即不大于5mm的碳化硅颗粒通过分级蜗轮进入旋风分离器和除尘器收集,超过5mm的碳化硅粗颗粒下降至粉碎筒粉碎区继续粉碎,目前气流粉粹机主要存在以下几个问题:1、气流粉碎机的粉碎筒采用配气盘、导流管和固定喷嘴结构,虽然喷嘴安装牢固,但是不便于对堵塞或损坏的喷嘴进行更换和维修。固定喷嘴结构使喷嘴与粉碎筒内腔之间的距离是固定的,喷嘴无法在较宽的操作范围内保持最佳工作性能。当粉碎筒内腔物料粉碎所需冲击力改变时,不能在相同进气量下通过改变喷嘴的有效射程来调节,只能通过相应阀门改变进气量来调节,使用起来比较被动。2、大多数企业在更换物料时需要调整气流粉碎机的分级蜗轮转子,然后人为将粉碎筒内的物料抽至后序的料筒内,最后打开粉碎筒下端盖,将不便抽出的剩余的残留物料从粉碎筒下端卸料口卸出,操作比较麻烦,卸料效率低。 ...