The utility model discloses a folding treadmill, which comprises a bracket and a treadmill connected to the bottom of the bracket through a rotating shaft. The bracket is provided with a left arm and a right arm. The left arm and the right arm are located on both sides of the treadmill. The upper and lower ends of the left arm and the right arm are provided with joints that can be rotated to a folding or unfolding shape, and the two sides of the treadmill are arranged. A slot block is arranged on the side, and a fixed block is arranged at the lower end of the left armrest and the right armrest. The fixed block is inserted into the slot block when the runway rotates around the rotating axis until it is unfolded. The utility model has the advantages of compact shape, small occupancy area, and is suitable for most household users; simple installation: full manual installation without using tools; convenient folding: instrument, runway and armrest can be rotated and folded; convenient placement and packaging: after folding, the treadmill has a rectangular shape and can be placed behind the door and stored. In the narrow space such as indoor, the rectangular shape can be directly put into the carton, which is convenient for storage and transportation.
如今国内经济越来越好,同时人们对健康、养生、减肥、塑身、美体也越来越重视,随之而来,各种健身器材五花八门,层出不穷。健身运动可以采用各种徒手练习,如各种徒手健美操、韵律操、形体操以及各种自抗力动作。也可以采用各种不同的运动器械进行各种练习,如哑铃、杠铃、壶铃等举重器械,单杠、双杠、绳、杆等体操器械,以及弹簧拉力器、滑轮拉力器、橡筋带和各种特制的综合力量练习架等力量训练器械,还有功率自行车、台阶器、平跑机、划船器等有氧训练器材。健身运动的动作方式是多种多样的,既有成套的各种徒手健美体操;也有球、棒等轻器械体操,这些主要用于女子健美训练,借以减肥和改善体形体态,提高灵活性,增强韵律感;更有许多能发达身体各部位肌肉的举重练习动作和其它动作,这些动作主要用于男女强壮体魄、发达肌肉,也用于男女健美训练。为了达到形体健美的目的,需要有专门的训练方法。例如采用杠铃等举重器械做各种动作时,在器械的轻重、动作的做法,安排的组数、次数,运动的速度等方面都有特殊的要求和安排。跑步机是家庭及健身房常备的健身器材,而且是当今家庭健身器材中最简单的一种,是家庭健身器的最佳选择,它分为机械式跑步机和电动跑步机。年龄较大的人员可以选择机械型跑步机,它是一种主动式的跑步方式,跑步的快慢由自己掌握,使用者可根据自身状况进行散步、慢跑或快跑。年轻人可以选择电动跑步机,它是一种被动式的跑步方式,根据自身体能首先设定跑步速度,强行训练者按此速度进行跑步健身房里的跑步机比较专业、高端、功能多样,而普通用户的家庭由于房间内空间狭小,家用跑步机要外形小巧,安装 ...