The utility model discloses a cigarette paper angle-lifting mechanism, which comprises a frame structure frame, a template located in the middle of the frame height direction, a through hole adapted to the die cutting gap on the cigarette paper on the template, a lifting plate under the template, a lifting part fixed at the upper end of the lifting plate, and a cross-section shape perpendicular to the lifting direction on the top of the cigarette paper matches the die cutting gap on the cigarette paper. The lower end of the lifting plate is fixed with a regulating mechanism, which is connected with the lifting frame, the lifting frame is connected with the driving mechanism, the motor of the driving mechanism is fixed on the frame, and the lifting frame slides on the frame. The utility model can avoid the influence of die cutting and adhesion at the small ears of the cigarette box on the formation of cigarette packages on the machine in the tobacco factory. After adding this mechanism on the die cutting machine, the angle breaking workers of each machine in the machine inspection process are reduced from three to one person in each shift, thus reducing the labor cost, realizing the angle breaking process by mechanical automation instead of traditional manual angle breaking, and reducing the quality risk.
包装印刷,顾名思义,是指在包装上印上装饰性花纹、图案或者文字,以此来使产品更有吸引力或更具说明性。香烟包装印刷具有底色满,专色多,画面简洁,连续调图案少的特点。在视觉效果上要有较强的亲和力或视觉冲击力,以刺激消费者的购买欲。烟包的印刷内容主要有实地,线条,网点图,普通文字,非连续调图案等。除此之外,防伪,凹凸,烫金,模切等也是烟包印刷中常用的工艺。为适应烟包印刷的内容和特点,香烟的包装印刷需要采用印刷精度高,色彩表现力强的印刷方式,如凹版印刷,柔性版印刷等。尤其是凹版印刷具有墨层厚实,墨色稳定的优势,适合印刷大面积实地,专色,金银色,珠光色等。同时,凹版印刷仅有印刷效率高,印刷质量好等特点。因此,凹印已成为烟包的主要印刷方式。近些年来,香烟的包装印刷材料越来越多样化,香烟的包装效果也越来越讲究。烟包印刷用纸经历了铜版纸-卡纸-金银纸-铝箔纸-镀铝膜-PET膜-镭射纸的发展变化,使得香烟的包装效果越来越豪华,包装的成本也越来越高。烟包印刷油墨也有了更多的类型,油溶剂型油墨,水性油墨,专色油墨,UV油墨,珠光油墨等,目前环保型和防伪型油墨成为烟包印刷油墨的发展方向。从印刷方式上来说,烟包印刷也由单一的凹印或柔印向组合印刷方向发展。组合印刷将多种印刷方式结合起来印刷烟包,可根据印刷内容的不同选择最适合的印刷方式,这必将会使烟包印刷质量及包装效果提高到一个前所未有的水平。而目前烟包纸一般在模切后还需人工去除模切的缺口(以往为防止模切不穿、粘连的产品漏检,在机器检验和人工检验时都需要增加掰角工序),因为现在烟盒的 ...