The invention relates to an integrated imaging method of axial distribution sensing with tracking function, which includes: 1. adjusting the line-of-sight direction of the rotating biprism device so that the target object is projected into the imaging plane of the camera and is located as far as possible in the center of the imaging plane; 2. keeping the relative position of the camera and the rotating biprism device unchanged, moving the camera and rotating biprism simultaneously in the direction of the optical axis of the camera. The mirror device collects the image of the target object in succession at several moving positions. 3. The light of all the collected images of the target object is projected back to the reconstruction plane, and the reconstructed image of the target object is obtained by three-dimensional calculation. Compared with the existing technology, the present invention fully combines the three-dimensional visualization function of the integrated imaging technology of axial distributed sensing and the characteristics of the rotating biprism system to adjust the orientation of the line of sight with high precision, and can provide reference for the research directions of de-occlusion imaging, target classification, object recognition, three-dimensional imaging, etc.
因为有着非接触、精度高等特点,机器视觉3D成像已成为国内外的热门研究方向,可用于三维测量和特定目标识别,在生物医学、地质勘探、航天航空、环境科学等众多领域中均有应用。目前已有的3D成像技术有双目视觉方法、全息显示技术、飞行时间法、激光雷达和结构光法等等。集成成像是一种被动多视角3D成像技术,可从多个拍摄角度获取目标的不同三维信息。楔形棱镜是一种常用的光学零件,具有光束偏转的功能,在机器视觉中应用广泛。具有两个楔形棱镜的旋转双棱镜装置是一种典型的视轴调整跟踪装置,具有结构紧凑、精度高、偏转角度大等优点。以下在先技术中介绍了旋转双棱镜装置和集成成像方法。在先技术(彭起等专利,申请号:201410370054.7,申请日2014年7月30日“一种基于旋转双棱镜装置的复合轴跟踪系统”)提供了一种基于旋转双棱镜装置的复合轴跟踪系统,可实现对快速动态目标进行高精度跟踪。引入了反射镜装置,可消除跟踪区域盲区。该装置根据目标投影到成像探测器上测得目标脱靶量,并反馈到控制器对反射镜跟踪装置及双棱镜装置闭环控制以消除盲区,装置整体构造比较复杂。在先技术(MiaoZhang.,etc.“Visualizationofpartiallyoccluded3Dobjectusingwedgeprism-basedaxiallydistributedsensing”,OpticsCommunications,2014,313(4):204-209.) ...