The double-base gear-type ventilation turntable structure consists of an air vent with a bottom ring on the air vent, a fixed connection between the bottom ring and the installation plate at the air vent, a central ring on the bottom ring, a top ring on the central ring, and steel beads distributed annularly between the bottom ring and the top ring and the central ring. The bottom ring, the top ring and the central ring are all ring components of the central opening. The outer ring of the central ring is gear-shaped, and a driving gear is arranged on the mounting plate to engage the driving gear with the outer ring of the central ring. The invention has the following beneficial effects: the location of air-conditioning exhaust is not single, the central ring can withstand both thrust and tension, and irregular forces such as thrust at one end of the ring and tension at the other end, can rotate lightly without damage, and there is no core in the passage hole, so there will be no wind resistance when ventilating, and the central ring can be connected with the air duct or the air outlet structure, so that the air duct or the air outlet structure can be made. Rotate freely as a whole.
随着我国国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,中国已经成为电力消费大国,由于目前电力生产还无法完全满足人民用电需求,在某些时段、某些地区会出现电力紧张的问题。造成电力紧张的诸多原因中,居民家庭电器用电,特别是空调用电的大幅度增长不可忽视。目前冰箱和空调两项的耗电量,占家庭用电的85%。仅家用空调一项年耗电量就为400亿kWh以上,相当于三峡水电站最高发电量的50%,超过电网负荷的30%。城镇用电量的不断增加使得我国电力峰谷差不断扩大,家用空调的普及与使用时间的集中性更加剧了供电的峰谷矛盾。应运而生的冰蓄冷空调技术则具有明显的移峰填谷效果,因而受到政府和电力部门的鼓励和支持,同时也因减少电费支出而受到用户欢迎。随着冰蓄冷空调技术的发展日益成熟,其在大型中央空调系统中的“削峰填谷”作用已经得到人们的广泛认同,用于工、矿、商厦的大中型冰蓄冷技术的研究开发和推广应用正在不断发展和完善。专利技术专利申请号为2016107776440,名称为:一种小型冰蓄冷温度调节风扇系统,该系统公开了一种制冷子系统,蓄冰子系统和释冷子系统,但是该系统没有具体的位置结构,且该专利的释冷子系统是通过热管装置自然传导方式,存在以下缺点:1、热管下部从蓄冷槽中吸收冷量是被动传导,传热速度慢,不能完全吸收冷量。2、冷量从热管下部传导到上部(风机处)距离较长,热管的特性是距离越大传热性能越差,造成风口释放的冷量小,环境温度与出风口温度间温差小,人体冷气使用效果不理想,不能视为正真意义上的空调器,对 ...