The utility model belongs to the facilities used in the automatic fire extinguishing sprinkler system of buildings, in particular to an automatic fire extinguishing sprinkler system branch hourly closing valve, which comprises an automatic sprinkler main line, an automatic sprinkler branch pipe and a branch sprinkler head, a plastic butterfly valve with a butterfly valve opening and closing handle and a fire bucket, and a connecting rod is arranged on the shell of the plastic butterfly valve, and the connecting rod and the butterfly valve The opening and closing handle is connected by a limit spring, the butterfly valve opening and closing handle is provided with a handle pull rod, the lower end of the handle pull rod is provided with a hook, the hook is connected with the fire bucket, the automatic sprinkler branch pipe is connected with a hose, the other end of the hose is connected with the fire bucket, and the hose is equipped with a small flow control valve which is often opened. It can make the original automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system and valves automatically closed during 1-6 hours of fire shutdown and after the fire spread. It can reduce the invalid loss of water in fire fighting. It is the improvement of the later development direction of fire in the area of automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system.
目前在火灾现场,特别是在建筑室内按规范《自动喷水灭火系统设计规范》GB50084配置的自动喷淋灭火系统,具有一定的控制及扑灭初期火灾的能力,主要优点为:反应迅速,一般在火场温度高于环境温度35度左右时,设置在自喷头上的温度感应器件融化或爆裂后,系统在高位消防水箱静水压的作用下立即出水、自动喷淋在达到湿式报警阀启动流量后,在系统压力开关及流量开关的作用下消防主泵自动启动,一般工作持续时间1~1.5小时。消防水泵的流量是按系统设定的作用面积内同时启动的喷头水量的累积计算,作用面积一般在160~300平方米,按每个喷头出水量60L/min计(K80型),一般自动喷淋系统的设计出水量在30L/s左右,系统设计流量的假设只适合在一处着火点或一个作用面积内使用。系统管路单支管上布置的喷头数量一般在8个以下,使用对象范围广泛,包含很多公建住宅办公等建筑采用、是国际上比较认可的自动灭火系统。有很多早期灭火的实际成功案列。但也存在以下主要问题:1、自动喷水灭火系统的布置中,一般情况为建筑各部位全部布置,系统庞大复杂,每个防火分区面积可以达到2000m2,甚至4000m2以上,但作用面积划分较小(100~300m2),在每个防火分区内设置的水流指示器可以向消防控制中心反映每个区内的火灾现场水流情况,但不能反映作用面积或单支管网内水流的情况,由于火灾发生位置的不确定性,应该对于作用面积内的火灾进行分析及控制,设计规范及措施中未涉及此内容,故自动 ...