The utility model discloses a window cleaning machine glass hanging device, which comprises a flat stretcher beam. The upper part of the flat stretcher beam is equipped with a first connecting frame, and the right side of the first connecting frame is equipped with a second connecting frame. The first connecting frame has the same structure as the second connecting frame. The lower part of the flat stretcher beam is equipped with a hook, and the lower part of the first connecting frame is equipped with a wedge-shaped joint. A wire rope is installed on the upper part of the joint, and a wire rope clamp is installed on the lower side wall of the wire rope. The equipment replaces the previous 12 mm wire rope with two 8 mm wire ropes, which makes the diameter of the cable collector equipped with the equipment smaller, and its diameter value smaller, so its softness is better. When arranging the rope, the irregular arrangement of the ropes will not easily occur, even if the building elevation is higher. High, so that the number of layers of wire rope in the cable collector is more, it will not easily cause the phenomenon of rope disorder, so that the safety of users is threatened, its protection is higher and practical.
插窗机是用于建筑物或构筑物窗户和外墙清洗、维修等作业的常设悬吊接近设备,擦窗机是高层建筑物外墙立面和采光屋面清洗、维护作业的常设专用设备。需根据建筑物的高度、立面及楼顶结构、承载、设备行走的有效空间,设计不同型式的擦窗机。既要考虑到安全、经济、实用,义要考虑到安装的擦窗机能与建筑物协调一致,不影响建筑物的美观。所以擦窗机的选型与建筑设计及施工等密切相关。擦窗机是室外高空载人设备,因此对擦窗机的安全性和可靠性要求非常高,大多数插窗机在使用时都配备了玻璃吊挂装置,使得设备可以更快捷的安装擦拭操作。在目前市场上常见的擦窗机玻璃吊挂装置普遍面临着现今擦窗机行业设备玻璃负载重量越搞越大,之前都控制在500kg以内,但是目前已经提高到1000kg负载,而为了保证8倍的安全系数,故将钢丝绳直径采用12mm的类型,而采用直径12mm钢丝绳就使得收缆器直径需要加大,且较粗的钢丝绳柔软度不理想,其极易造成排绳不整齐的情况发生,若建筑标高较高,其所需的钢丝绳长度更长,而这就导致收缆器内钢丝绳堆砌层数较多,其极易造成乱绳现象,使得使用者的生命安全受到威胁,其防护性较差实用性不强;且大多数设备都是只设置了一根钢丝绳,一旦设备承受的力超过了钢丝绳的承载范围,就极易导致钢丝绳断裂,使得吊起的玻璃摔碎的情况发生,其资源浪费较大经济效益较低实用性不强;且大多数设备为了保证其安全系数较大,就使得钢丝绳的直径增大,而这就使得设备的整体重量较大,其在运输或移动时又需要搭配较大的收缆器,而这就会使 ...