The invention provides an environment-friendly production method of zinc, tin and gold. The method first etches the circuit, then treats the circuit board with anti-welding ink; then pretreats the circuit board with abrasive brushing or sandblasting; then disposes the circuit board in the degreasing tank for 5 minutes; then cleans the circuit board with tap water and sends it to the Micro-etching tank for 2 minutes; and then cleans it with deionized water and enters the pre-immersion tank for 1 minute. Then, it goes directly into the activation tank for 1 minute; then it is cleaned with deionized water and treated with chemical zinc and tin at 80 C for 20 minutes; then it is cleaned with deionized water and treated with 10% KOZO 806 and 2 grams of citric acid gold per liter at 88 C for 10 minutes. The invention solves the technical problem of non-environmental protection existing in the existing production method, replaces lead in chemical zinc and tin, makes chemical zinc and tin completely environmental protection, and has no bad occurrence of soldering zinc and tin. Replacing poisonous potassium aurous cyanide in chemical gold can make chemical gold completely environmentally friendly, and the solution is stable without decomposition.
现有锌锡金的生产方法是在线路的铜面上置换少量的钯,使线路在化学锌锡槽中以钯为催化核心利用氧化还原的方式沉积一层含磷量约为7-10%的4微米厚锌锡磷合金层(磷是化学锌锡反应副产物共析在锌锡层里),在该锌锡磷合金层上用置换的方法置换一层0.07微米的金层。化学锌锡金是线路板中功能强大的表面处理,它可以用在如手机按键板、电脑内存条等等电子产品中,它既可做焊接零件又同时可做电流导通接触点。但在事实上它却是一种并不环保的工艺。参考专利可见:中国专利:可获取高可焊性镀层的化学镀锌锡磷合金溶液,公开号102011107A,公开日期2011-04-13。首先是化学锌锡金中的化学锌锡镀液中含有铅,铅在化学锌锡中作用明显。化学锌锡属于自催化反应,它是利用沉积好的锌锡原子催化化学锌锡自身再沉积出锌锡原子。这类反应的特点是反应会越来越剧烈,直至化学锌锡因反应过剧烈而不能使用,因些必须要加入抑制反应的稳定剂。铅是最良好的稳定剂之一,在镀液中的含量一般为0.2-1.5ppm。镀液镀得越久,铅的添加量就越多。这些铅会随着槽液中锌锡的沉积,共析在锌锡磷合金层中,含量约300-500ppm。锌锡层实质是锌锡磷铅合金层。在线路板化学锌锡金的过程中,业界并未改变锌锡磷铅合金层这个事实。因为化学锌锡金不但用来做电流导通接触点,还要用来焊锌锡。而现有技术中铅仍然是最好的焊锌锡材料。为了减少焊锌锡不良,人们并没有去改变化学锌锡金中锌锡层内这些少量的铅。而在化学金中,人们一般使用的是含有剧毒的氰化亚金钾 ...