The invention relates to a differential pressure sensing device and a liquid level measuring device composed of the built-in liquid level measuring device, which comprises a differential pressure sensing device, a ventilation balance tube and a liquid inlet. The ventilation balance tube and the liquid inlet are respectively connected with the low-pressure input end and the high-pressure input end of the differential pressure sensing device. The differential pressure sensing device is arranged at the bottom of the liquid in the liquid storage tank to be measured, and the ventilation balance tube is arranged at the bottom of the liquid storage tank to be measured. The air inlet is higher than the top surface of the liquid in the tank; the liquid inlet is located on the bottom wall of the tank; the differential pressure sensor is connected with the external power supply and controller through wires; the high-pressure input end and the low-pressure input end of the differential pressure sensor feel the deep pressure of the liquid and the pressure difference of the gas pressure introduced on the liquid surface after deformation, and the electrical characteristics change through the weak electrical signal. The amplification and temperature compensation related circuits are transformed into voltage or current signals which can be collected and applied. The signals are transmitted to the external controller through the wire for calculation, and the liquid level measurement is completed.
在液位检测方面都采用的是接触式浮子测试和绝对式电子压力传感器测试。接触式浮子测试精度和可靠性均不高,在精密测试中无法满足需要。绝对式电子压力传感器测试,如在车辆运输过程中移动到不同的海拔下或是密闭的条件下,无法精确测试液位的高度,大气或气体的压力变化造成液位高度测试的不准确。虽然有采用两个绝对压力传感器的使用案例,即使用一个气体压力传感器和一个液位绝对式电子压力传感器测试到的压力进行差值计算的到相对比较准确的液位高度,但还是会因为系统内精度、故障原因造成不准确或是不可靠,系统比较复杂,成本较高,使用寿命低等缺点。根据液体内压力公式:Ph=ρgh+P0,ρ为液体的密度,g为重力加速度,h为液体内到液面测量点的高度,P0为液面的气体压力,Ph为液体内部的压力;一般条件下液体密度和重力加速度为常数,则液体内高度和压力差(Ph-P0)成正比。一般液面上有一个大气压的压力约为100kPa,而水基或有机液体的密度和重力加速度一定的情况下液体的深度在1米时也就10kPa左右,当精密测量液体深度相对应的压力时必然要除去液面的压力才能和液位高度成正比。中国专利CN200710199215.0、差压液位计内置式取压方法公布了一种可以克服容器内有蒸汽或介质温度变化对测量产生影响的液位检测方法,它至少包括储液罐、差压式液位计、正相引压管、负相引压管,正相引压管和负相引压管分别与差压式液位计的正相端(高压输入端)和负相端(低压输入端)连接,它的负相引压管 ...