The invention discloses a wear-resistant alloy material, in particular a processing method of wear-resistant and high temperature-resistant nickel-based alloy sleeve. The alloy composition of the raw material weight percentage is: nickel 53-66%, chromium 20-25%, copper 3-5.8%, holmium 0.05-0.15%, manganese 10-12%, titanium 0.25-0.35%, cobalt 0.4-0.6%, and the remaining amount is rare earth. As the addition of chromium and copper in the nickel-based alloy for axle sleeve of the present invention increases the tensile strength and hardness of the alloy, increases the hardness and toughness of the alloy dramatically, holmium can improve the corrosion resistance of the alloy, cobalt can increase the hard point of the alloy, greatly improves the wear resistance, titanium can refine the grain, improve the strength and toughness of the alloy, especially by adding a large number of rare earth elements. Its quality is higher. By choosing suitable material and matching relationship, the sleeve has good hardness, strength and toughness. It can achieve good mechanical properties, long service life, better economy and comprehensive mechanical properties.
本专利技术要解决的技术问题是提供一种耐磨耐高温镍基合金轴套加工方法。为了解决上述技术问题,本专利技术的硫化机轴套用镍基合金,原料重量百分比的合金成分为:镍53~66%,铬20~25%,铜3~5.8%,钬0.05~0.15%,锰10~12%,钛0.25~0.35%,钴0.4~0.6%,余量为稀土。所述原料的最佳重量百分比的合金成分为:镍58%,铬23%,铜4.5%,钬0.08%,锰11%,钛0.3%,钴0.5%,余量为稀土。一种耐磨耐高温镍基合金轴套加工方法,包括以下步骤:A、熔炼:将坩埚加热至580~600℃,按先后顺序加入镍、铬、铜、锰、钛、钴进行熔化并添加稀土,熔化完成后加入钬,熔炼温度控制在580~600℃,过热度在70℃;B、浇注:将熔炼好的成分进行浇注,浇注温度控制在580~600℃,用砂型浇注成型;C、机加工:将浇注成型的毛坯进行机加工,先粗加工后精加工。和现有技术相比,本专利技术具有以下有益效果:由于本专利技术的轴套用镍基 ...