The utility model discloses an automatic wax spraying device on the surface of enameled wire, which comprises a wax melting box and a spraying box. The bottom of the wax melting box is evenly equipped with a heating device, and the inner part of the wax melting box is connected with a circulating pump through a liquid outlet pipe. The outlet of the circulating pump is connected with a nozzle through a nozzle, and the nozzle is inserted into one side of the spraying box, and the other side of the spraying box is connected with the wax melting box through There are wired holes on the surface of the spray box, a base on one side of the wax melting box, a paraffin feeding device on the surface of the base, and a feeding box corresponding to the paraffin feeding device on the wax melting box. The feeding box is installed on the top of the wax melting box and is connected with the wax melting box. On one side of the feeding box, there is a self-closing push door corresponding to the paraffin feeding device. The utility model can uniformly spray liquid paraffin on the surface of enameled wire, and the device can effectively reduce energy consumption and production cost.
漆包线使用厂家为提高漆包线绕线效率,不断提高绕线速度,就要降低漆包线的摩擦系数,需要对成品漆包线进行润滑剂涂覆这一工序,涂覆原料主要为石蜡。由于石蜡的熔点在60°左右,常温下为固态,无法均匀的涂覆在漆包线上,目前通用的做法是将石蜡均匀的溶于液态的环乙烷中,配制成混合润滑液,再通过点滴的方式对成品漆包线进行润滑涂覆。上述涂覆方法虽然能满足生产的需求,但存在三个缺点:1、环乙烷为易燃液体,存在火灾隐患;2、环乙烷是一种易挥发性液体,在涂覆过程中全部挥发至空气中,造成环境污染,对员工身体伤害大;3、环乙烷在涂覆过程中只是起到溶解稀释的作用,而没有真正对漆包线起到润滑作用,涂在漆包线上的只有石蜡,挥发掉的环乙烷从某种意义上说是一种浪费。综上所述,目前现有的成品漆包线石蜡涂覆方式存在不安全、不环保和浪费资源的问题。申请号为CN201420711879.6的中国专利数据库的技术专利“一种漆包线热蜡自动涂覆装置”公开了以下技术方案:一种漆包线热蜡自动涂覆装置,包括熔蜡容器、电热管、喷油管、喷气管和涂油斗,熔蜡容器由上部用于装置石蜡润滑剂的石蜡盛装箱和下部用于对石蜡进行加热熔融的石蜡加热箱组成,电热管安装在石蜡加热箱中;喷油管一端与石蜡盛装箱连接相通,另一端与涂油斗连接相通;涂油斗中设置有供成品漆包线穿过的过线槽,过线槽与喷油管连通,过线槽槽壁上设置有吸附毛毡;喷气管一端与喷油管连通,另一端与压缩空气源连接。上述方案能够将雾化后的石蜡能更均匀喷涂在吸附毛毡上,成品漆包 ...