The invention discloses a method for determining high molecular weight substances in Chinese medicine injection containing phenolic acids, which belongs to the technical field of Chinese medicine preparation detection. The determination methods include: (1) ultrafiltration and concentration of the Chinese medicine injection to be tested, dilution and volume determination of the sample solution by using methanol aqueous solution containing trifluoroacetic acid or acetonitrile aqueous solution containing trifluoroacetic acid, and preparation of the sample solution; (2) liquid chromatography analysis of the sample solution, recording the chromatogram, and comparing the chromatographic peaks of the standard protein molecular weight substance under the same chromatographic conditions, and regression according to the peak area. The proportion of high molecular weight substances with molecular weight greater than 5000 Dalton was calculated by the unification method. The present invention uses methanol aqueous solution containing trifluoroacetic acid or acetonitrile aqueous solution containing trifluoroacetic acid as diluent of traditional Chinese medicine injection containing phenolic acid compound to prepare test solution for liquid chromatography analysis, and solves the problem that phenolic acid compound can not be accurately determined because of interference of polypeptide or protein high molecular weight substance detection.
中药注射剂作为中华民族传统文化的代表,在人类健康史上发挥着不可替代的作用。中药注射液系指饮片经提取、纯化后制成的供注入人体内的无菌液体制剂,包括溶液型或乳状液型或混悬型等注射液,但随着应用的增多,有关临床不良反应的报道相继增加,尤其是严重的不良反应如过敏性休克、心血管系统不良反应、呼吸系统损伤等。有学者认为中药注射液中蛋白质或多肽高分子物质的存在极有可能是引起不良反应的因素之一,在药剂提取过程中存在部分高分子物质,如蛋白质、多肽等,此类物质一旦引入中药注射剂成品,将引起中药注射剂的一系列不良反应或不良事件。因此,亟需建立中药注射剂中高分子量物质的检测方法,用于其高分子量物质的控制。现有的中药注射剂的高分子量物质的检测方法基本上是采用葡聚糖凝胶色谱柱HPLC法分析,采用已知分子量的标准物质定位,判断高分子是否存在或者用于标定分子量的分布区间。目前研究者常通过高效液相体分子排阻色谱法直接分析样品(中医药学报,2013,41,31–32;中国药学杂志,2014,49,64–67;中国药业,2014,23,51–52)或采用超滤的方法将样品富集后进行分析(中国药品标准,2012,13,1;药物分析杂志,2016,36,1451–1455)。据文献报道,中药注射剂中含有的酚酸类化合物能够通过疏水作用和氢键等相互作用与蛋白质或多肽结合(JournalofPharmaceuticalandBiomedicalAn ...