The invention discloses a voltage withstanding test terminal structure of cross-linked cable, which comprises an insulating sleeve, a metal ring and a metal ring fixing device. The two ends of the insulating sleeve are respectively connected with a first metal cover and a second metal cover. The cable terminal extends through the first metal cover into the interior of the insulating sleeve, and is connected with the second metal cover. The high voltage end is applied through the axial butt of the second metal cover, and the first metal cover is connected with the second metal cover. The enclosed space consisting of a cover, a second metal cover, an insulating sleeve and a cable is filled with an insulating medium; the metal ring is located in the insulating sleeve, and is fixed on the cable terminal through a metal ring fixing device, which covers the fracture of the outer shielding layer of the cable terminal. By adding a metal ring at the fracture of the outer shield layer, the invention has obvious voltage equalizing effect, can effectively improve the partial discharge voltage, improve the safety of the test, and avoid breakdown phenomenon. At the same time, the size of the fixing device can be adjusted, and the metal ring can be disassembled and reused conveniently.
油纸绝缘用于中压、高压电缆已有50多年,由于这些电缆有很大的电容量,现场一直不做工频交流试验。而且油纸绝缘电缆的绝缘电阻远低于橡胶电缆,DC电压试验用来判断纸绝缘电缆的好坏已有几十年的经验,实践证明效果不错,可获得其缺陷危害性的可靠信息。因此,直流耐压试验作为油纸绝缘电缆的现场竣工验收试验和定期的预防性试验项目,对检出绝缘缺陷和保证电网的安全运行发挥了很好的作用。随着电力技术的发展,交联聚乙烯(XLPE)电力电缆的使用越来越广泛,按照IEC840或CIGREWG21.03建议规程,现场试验的目的不是为了检验电缆的制造质量或电缆附件的制造质量的好坏,其制造质量已在型式试验和出厂试验中证实。现场竣工验收试验的目的是检查电缆的敷设及附件的安装是否正确。电缆在运输、搬运、存放、敷设和回填的过程中,有可能受到意外损害。检查的方法是按照IEC229,对于外护套厚度大于等于2.5mm的电缆,在电缆屏蔽与地之间施加10KV的直流,耐压1分钟。对于电缆主绝缘的耐压试验IEC推荐了两种方法:直流耐压,3U0,15分钟;交流耐压,U0,5分钟或1U0,24小时。在进行试验时要对电缆端部进行处理,由于电缆屏蔽层断口处的电场易于集中而有可能导致绝缘击穿,如果在试验时不使用合适的终端就很容易产生不正确的测试结果,误认为电缆存在问题。在以往进行试验时通常使用商品化的终端,但是商品化的电缆终端造价较高,安装耗时长,且终端内预制式的应力锥与电缆剥离后无法与其他电缆精密安装,往往不能重复使 ...