The utility model relates to a vertical slime dewatering machine, which belongs to the technical field of solid-liquid separation equipment. The utility model needs dehydrated slime to be added through the feed funnel, slime is fed into the screen through the inlet port under the rotating device, the rotating device drives the roller to move on the screen surface through the rotating bracket, the slime falls down along the screen surface under the action of gravity, and is laid flat on the screen surface. The roller rolls the slime on the screen surface during movement, and the slime is removed from the screen under the action of extrusion. The separated sewage is discharged through the drainage pipe under the screen, and the dehydrated slime is stored at the bottom of the bracket. In the utility model, a rolling roller rotating around the conical screen is arranged on the surface of the conical screen, which effectively solves the problem that the existing filter-pressing coal slurry dewatering device can not feed continuously and has low dewatering efficiency, effectively improves the speed and quality of coal slurry dewatering, and the device has simple structure, low energy consumption, and effectively reduces the production cost.
现运行的选煤厂,主要的脱水设备有旋流器、真空过滤机、耙式浓缩机等。对于压滤车间,通常釆用的脱水机械主要就是压滤机这一设备。压滤车间,将耙式浓缩机的底流来料进行处理,压滤出最终煤泥,滤除的水分进入整个选煤厂的水循环系统,循环使用。压滤机的脱水效果相对较好,能够最终回收煤泥,但由于其属于间断式工作方式,每个压滤过程都要循环进行进料、压滤、卸料等十分繁杂的操作。这不仅对压滤机的操作人员有较高的操作要求,而且工作周期太长,工作效率低,不适用于连续处理煤泥水的状况。因此在这种情况下,为了减轻选煤厂压滤车间操作人员的工作强度和压力,为了提高压滤的效率,提高煤泥水回收的效率,解决压滤机不能够连续工作的缺点,本专利技术设计了一种高脱水率的螺旋筛网脱水机。利用机械力进行煤泥水脱水的的方法主要就是借用煤泥脱水设备对煤泥水进行脱水。常用的煤泥机械脱水方式有过滤、压滤、带式压滤和沉降式离心脱水等。沉降式离心机是依靠离心力进行脱水的,其离心力的获得是靠机体高速回转产生。在高速产生的离心力的最用下,较大密度的煤被甩向离心机的转筒内壁,进而由螺旋转子刮出,完成脱水作业。沉降过滤式离心机是在沉降离心机的基础上增加过滤段而制成的。在沉降离心机作用的基础上,所沉降的沉渣滤饼在离心力作用下,其中的水分由筛网穿过进而脱出,此时的滤饼水分可以达到13-22%。实验表明:如果采用沉降式过滤离心机,其对于煤泥水的脱水率比真空过滤机高4%左右,对于滤饼灰分的降低也很有效果,能够达到10%的水平。但是其也有缺陷,就 ...