An adjustable display lamp cabinet includes a cabinet body and an internal light source component, in which the cabinet body includes a base and a transparent case cover, the transparent case cover is above the top of the base, and the light source component is arranged on the base. The characteristics of the cabinet are that the top of the base is a display object placed on a mesa, and the four edges of the mesa are embedded with light source components, and the top of the transparent case cover is provided with an inner surface. A lifting adjusting device is arranged at the four edges at the top and bottom of the transparent housing, and the lifting adjusting device drives the lifting of the reflecting mirror at the top. The display cabinet of the present invention drives the reflective mirrors on the top and the top of the display cabinet by means of a lifting adjusting device, that is, the display cabinet can adjust the angle of the light space and the reflective distance, and make the best use of the light energy for the lighting projection. In addition, the display cabinet has built-in light source to avoid the obstacle of moving and the failure of display caused by the exposure of excess lines to the outside. The risk of display.
在珠宝展示陈列或者文物展示厅会特别布置一种带有透明防护外壳内置灯光投射的展示柜,这种展示柜基本上起到保护内置物品,避免外界接触,聚光突出展品特点更好凸显其观赏性的作用。这种展示柜包含一个底座、一个透明外壳以及布置在底座上外壳内的追光灯/射灯,鉴于不同的展示品高度、体积、形态和反光度的不同,基本上不同的展品需要定制不同的灯光布置方案,有些需要在底部放置射灯,有些需要从顶部打光照射,有些甚至还需要在侧面进行补光,各种展品对灯光的要求不一而足,导致展示柜需要根据具体情况设计、并且实际进行调试,工序繁琐而且需要熟练工作人员一一操作,复杂程度高,而且因为要结合展品进行调试,又担心对展品碰撞或者损伤的风险。在展示灯柜中很重要的一个环节就是其中的光的布置和亮度设计问题,光是能引起视觉的辐射能,它以电磁波的形式在空间传播。光的波长一般在380~780nm范围内,不同波长的光给人的颜色感觉不同。描述光的量有两类:一类是以电磁波或光的能量作为评价基准来计量,通常称为辐射量;另一类是以人眼的视觉效果作为基准来计量,通常称为光度量。在我们照明展示技术中,常常采用光度量,因为采用以视觉强度为基础的光度量较为实用和便于直观感受。光通量是指光源在单位时间内,向空间辐射出的使人产生光感觉的能量称为光通量,以字母“Φ”表示,单位为流明(lm),是表征光源特性的光度量。光强度简称光强,是指单位立体角内的光通量,以符号Ia表示,是表征光源发光能力大小的物理量。 ...