The utility model relates to the field of mahjong tables, and discloses a mahjong table rack, which comprises at least three table feet (10), all table feet (10) are fixed with horizontal bars (11), connecting rods (12) between adjacent two table feet (10), locking parts (13), adjusting blocks (14) are fixed at the end of all connecting rods (12), adjusting blocks (14) on adjacent two connecting rods (12) are fastened and connected. A passage (15) for the movement of the cross bar (11) is formed, and the locking member (13) fixes the regulating block (14) on the cross bar (11). The adjusting blocks on the adjacent two connecting rods are buckled and connected, and the horizontal bar slides in the channel to adjust the relative position between them, so as to adjust the width of the mahjong table rack. After adjusting the width between the horizontal bar and the adjusting block in place, the locking parts lock the adjusting blocks and the horizontal bar. The operation is simple, the width of the mahjong table rack can be adjusted, and the versatility is strong. At the same time, the mahjong table rack can be disassembled into strip parts, Storage and transportation.
现有普及应用最为广泛的餐桌式麻将机桌架装置有两种。一种是通用型餐桌式麻将机桌架,采用型材管的桌脚焊接连接横枝,横枝上再焊接直角叉头,四个桌脚上的直角叉头通过与四根型材管由螺钉连接构成桌架,通用麻将机机芯置于桌架之上,最后安装好边框,构成餐桌式麻将机;该餐桌式麻将机桌架对麻将机机芯质量要求不高,承载受力均衡,制作容易,得到了广泛的应用。另一种是非通用型餐桌式麻将机桌架,通过将麻将机机芯的底盘的四个角开个直角缺口,在直角缺口上设置一个与之吻合的小立柱,行业里俗称“W”型小立柱,再将四个与“W”型小立柱吻合的桌脚通过螺钉与“W”型小立柱连接,构成餐桌式麻将机桌架,与麻将机机芯装配成一体,最后安装好边框,构成餐桌式麻将机;该餐桌式麻将机桌架对麻将机机芯质量要求高,机芯的底盘的铁板厚度有严格的要求,以及对“W”型小立柱制作工艺精准度,结实度都有相应的要求,制作费用高。上述的两种餐桌式麻将机桌架均采用至少八颗以上的螺钉连接,安装费时费力;由于麻将机主机分为36桌面和40桌面等多种尺码机型,且各家品牌边框外观尺寸大小不一;导致通用型餐桌式麻将机桌架还存在桌架大小尺寸必须按款式定做,造成分类众多,运营过程中容易出错,库存量大,管理繁琐;非通用型餐桌式麻将机桌架,由于是桌脚型材必须与“W”型小立柱造型吻合,导致桌脚型材管的单一性,不符合外观设计的多样化设计,且对麻将机机芯的质量要求相对较高,导致成本高,缺乏竞争力。这就需要一种更符合行业发展,安装快捷,成本低廉,大小尺寸可依据需要任意调节,实现真正意义上通 ...