The invention belongs to the field of chemical tail gas treatment, in particular to a method for treating tail gas of ammonium sulfate mother liquor circulating tank. The tail gas of ammonium sulphate mother liquor circulating tank is connected with the existing ammonia distillation system through the top of the ammonium sulphate mother liquor circulating tank (J), and the tail gas of ammonium sulphate mother liquor circulating tank is sucked into the bottom of the ammonia distillation tower (A) of the ammonia distillation system through the negative pressure generated by the steam jet pump (B). The tail gas of ammonium sulphate mother liquor circulating tank is washed by ammonia water at the bottom of the ammonia distillation tower The steam jet pump is installed on the top of the ammonia distillation wastewater tank, which can absorb the tail gas while generating a certain amount of steam by utilizing the high temperature wastewater in the wastewater tank, thus reducing the steam consumption of the ammonia distillation, and has the effect of energy saving; the negative pressure of the top of the ammonia distillation wastewater tank is comparable to the suction before the gas blower. Small, can greatly reduce the tar bailing time and space gas inhalation, thus ensuring the safety and stability of the gas system.
自焦炉出来的荒煤气中含有大量的氨气,随着煤气初步冷却,煤气中的部分氨转入冷凝氨水中。氨水中的氨一般采用蒸馏工艺回收氨气。煤气中的氨一般用硫酸吸收制硫铵。硫铵的生产工艺主要有饱和器法和酸洗塔法(或无饱和器法)两种,其中酸洗塔法将氨回收和硫铵结晶生产分开,便于生产控制,可生产优质的大颗粒硫铵产品。酸洗塔法的氨回收工艺为:煤气由下而上经过酸洗塔,与塔内由上而下喷洒的稀硫酸逆流接触,吸收了氨的稀硫酸变为硫铵母液由塔底抽入硫铵母液循环槽内,在此槽添加浓硫酸控制母液酸度,保证脱氨效果,再将母液由此槽经泵抽至酸洗塔顶喷洒。由于硫铵母液对煤气有一定的夹带效应,且硫酸吸氨过程和浓硫酸溶于水都是放热过程,导致母液循环槽顶放散出来的气体量大、难闻,对环境造成了污染,需要进一步处理。硫铵母液循环槽顶尾气成分复杂,有一定的荒煤气、未反应完全的氨气、浓硫酸中的SO3、蒸发水气等。现有尾气处理方法有多种,如:冷凝法、吸收法、燃烧法、催化法、吸附法等。以上方法一般需要新增设备,投资较大,且单独一种方法不能完全净化母液循环槽顶的尾气。《钢铁工业环境保护设计规范》(GB50406-2007)中推荐将放散气体引入煤气负压系统,即利用煤气净化装置的鼓风机前吸力为动力,将放散气回收至荒煤气总管。但该法对槽体和管道的密闭性要求较高,一旦有空气进入煤气负压系统,容易引起煤气净化装置的停机,后果很严重。母液循环槽需要定期开启捕捞焦油,保证硫铵产品质量,若将该槽尾气 ...