The utility model discloses a fixing device for wrapping hand burn dressing, which comprises a flexible upper die cover and a lower die cover of the hand. The upper die cover of the hand and the wrist, back and five fingers of the lower die cover of the hand are connected by a magic sticker. The palm center of the lower die cover of the hand is provided with a grip ball for gripping to relieve the stiffness of the hand and maintain the functional position of the hand. The inner walls of the upper and lower hand die caps are provided with a waterproof layer, the inner layer of the waterproof layer is provided with a absorbent gauze, the inner layer of the absorbent gauze is provided with a dense gauze, and the inner layer of the dense gauze is provided with a dressing. The dressing wraps the arm. The utility model uses the upper die cover and the lower die cover of the hand to effectively fix and maintain the functional position of the hand, and the upper die cover and the lower die cover of the hand are provided with three layers of waterproof layer, absorbent gauze and dense gauze to better prevent the infection of the hand wound surface; the upper die cover of the hand and the lower die cover of the hand are connected by magic sticker, which has simple structure, convenient operation and reliable connection; Built-in grip ball, effectively alleviate hand stiffness; upper die cover wrist with anti-skid rubber layer, convenient device to open, rubber layer with a timetable, can alarm regularly, timely dressing change. The utility model can effectively promote the rehabilitation of burned hands after operation and prevent the occurrence of scar hyperplasia, contracture and deformity of hands.
手部烧伤处理原则如下:(1)尽快消除创面:特别是深度烧伤的坏死组织未清除时,则必然引起感染而使创面加深。若任由肉芽组织生长,不予植皮,依靠残存的少数上皮细胞勉强愈合,则将发生瘢痕增生、挛缩和畸形。(2)减轻水肿:烧伤后毛细血管通透性改查,渗出增多,局部水肿。这些渗出液经常沉积在肌肉、关节囊和关节周围,因而发生关节强直、功能障碍。因此,烧伤后早期抬髙患肢。前臂特别是腕部若有环形缩窄型深度烧伤影响手部循环时,应行焦痂切开以减压。(3)保持手的功能位:手背烧伤时,掌指关节屈曲70°~80°;指间关节伸直或屈曲5°~10°,拇指宜保持外展对指位。为了较好的维持此种功能位,白天不活动时可用简单的布垫悬吊,夜间可用夹板固定。手部烧伤处理儿童手部烧伤后瘫痕挛缩畸形很常见,其不仅影响美观,也给儿童造成了心理障碍,更重要的是影响到发育,形成继发性畸形,而进一步影响到手的功能,甚至造成难以修复的功能丧失。在专利号CN200820076699.X中公开了一种多功能康复腕手夹板,通过活动连接的手部固定板及臂部固定板分别固定臂部和手部,并通过可调节长度的牵引装置固定。这样可以现将手部和臂部分别固定在手部固定板和臂部固定板表面,然后通过调节牵引装置的长度使手部固定板和臂部固定板固定于预设的角度。该技术提出的腕多功能康复腕手夹板能够有效预防和治疗腕关节,掌指关节,指间关节屈曲挛缩,并能抑制腕,手关节的屈肌张力。解决了脑部疾病、脑卒中、脑外伤、脊髓损伤、小儿脑瘫、植物状态、腕、手部 ...