The utility model provides a sitting fumigator, which comprises a seat body and a fumigating machine. The seat plate of the seat body is detachably connected with a detachable seat block. Under the detachable seat block, there is a first holding tank for placing the fumigating and washing machine. The fumigating and washing machine comprises a casing, and an upper opening is arranged on the casing for a liquid fumigating and washing tank for holding fumigating and washing liquid. The bottom of the liquid fumigating and washing tank is provided with a liquid feeding water. The mouth and the spray pipe of the medicine liquid are provided with a connecting pipe between the medicine liquid inlet and the medicine liquid spray pipe in the machine case. The connecting pipe is connected with a water pump. The bottom of the medicine liquid fumigation and washing pool is also provided with a heating device for heating the fumigation and washing liquid. The medicine liquid spray pipe is equipped with a spray head. The fumigation and washing machine is placed in the first tank and the removable seat block is removed from the seat plate of the seat body. At this time, the user can sit on the seat plate of the seat body. The seat plate on the seat body makes the fumigator and washer carry out effective and convenient fumigation physiotherapy or spray cleaning on the user's anus.
随着社会的急速发展,经济水平的提高,人们户外作业频率增多,生活活动范围不断扩大,加上安全意识薄弱,受伤的机率逐年上升,其中外伤病人以骨伤为多或合并骨伤,而骨伤病人又以肢体骨损伤为多见(中山市中医院骨科近几年平均每年收治近3850人左右);而这些病人在中后期康复治疗特别是对肢体功能的恢复是一个非常重要的阶段,也是社会劳动力得以迅速补充、伤者重返社会的重要因素之一;源自中医熏洗疗法和配合中药外用在整个康复治疗过程起着非常好的效果,但目前由于康复、护理资源的缺乏及专业康复器材的不足,使部分伤科病人在康复治疗过程特别是在早期进行有效的薰洗方面,往往因薰洗工具不足和安全不能保证而无法实施,使康复治疗不能达到预期理想目标。中药熏洗疗法可在绝大部分骨折后应用,最多用于易发生功能障碍的肘膝关节等处;既可应用于骨折早期以消肿、止痛,又可应用于骨折中、后期以促进患肢功能恢复,而且更多用于骨折中、后期,常配合熏洗中、后的功能锻炼。中药熏洗亦应用于皮肤破损者;有报道说,熏洗疗法尚有一定促进骨折愈合的作用。作用机理研究多集中在中药熏洗对肌肉及关节功能的影响。许多研究表明,中药熏洗不仅有热疗作用,还有透皮吸收的药物作用;中药熏洗可促进血运,改善代谢,清除运动后体内的血乳酸,加快恢复。熏洗疗法是以中医药基本理论为指导,在中药煎煮后,先利用蒸气熏蒸,再以药液淋洗、浸浴全身或局部患处的一种治疗疾病的方法,是祖国医学中外治疗法的重要组成部分。在皮肤或患部进行直接熏洗的时候,由于温热和药物作用,能刺激神经系统和心血管系统 ...