The utility model provides a full-area classification and fast security information management system device, which includes information input terminal, information audit terminal and information classification storage terminal. The information input terminal includes vehicle information identification terminal, identity document information identification terminal and face recognition terminal. The information input terminal and information audit terminal are connected through the network, and the information audit terminal are connected with each other separately. The information approval terminal and the information classification storage terminal are connected through the network, the information approval terminal and the information classification storage terminal are connected through the network, and the vehicle information identification terminal, the identity document information identification terminal and the face recognition terminal and the information classification storage terminal are connected. The utility model can classify fast security personnel and vehicle passageways to realize triad verification of security personnel, certificates and vehicles. After verification, there is no need to check the cumbersome procedures such as carry-on goods, vehicle backup box, chassis, etc. to realize fast passage, so as to improve the efficiency of personnel passage, and it has wide applicability in the field of security inspection.
社会安全是衡量一个国家或地区构成社会安全四个基本方面的综合性指数。社会安全是针对社会事件的安全措施、对策、知识等。社会事件主要包括恐怖袭击事件,民族宗教事件,经济安全事件,涉外突发事件和群体性事件等。维护社会稳定大多涉及了老百姓的切身利益,也关系到当地的经济发展。当前我国国家安全内涵和外延比历史任何时候都要丰富,时空领域比历史上任何时候都要宽广,内外因素比历史上任何时候都要得复杂。面对复杂的形式,情报信息是维稳工作的生命线,及时准确的情报信息,对化解矛盾、有效预防和妥善处置群体性事件,起着决定性作用。一是情报信息掌握要快。就是要及时,要快捷。掌握的越早,报的越快,就越有时间去化解,越能把握主动。如果情报滞后,成了明日黄花,情报没有价值事小,贻误工作、影响决策事大。二是情报信息情况要全。情报的要素一定要齐全,包括时间、地点、主体、原因、方式、手段、规模等。一般情况下,还应当包括背景情况、工作措施等。如因某一问题可能引发闹事,那么,对该问题的基本情况就要有一个说明,否则,对闹事的前因后果,一头雾水,对问题难以有全面的认识、正确的判断,不利于事件的化解处置。同时,在情报信息的处理上要做到就是情况真实,确有其事,不是道听途说,无中生有。情报信息的生命在于真实。如果情报失真,轻则影响工作,浪费人力财力,重则导致决策者对形势的误判,干扰工作大局。做好情报工作,在思想上,必须有求真务实的精神,在工作中,必须核查、研判,反映事物的本来面目。三是情报 ...