
技术编号:20628583 阅读:78 留言:0更新日期:2019-03-20 18:08

Multi-Axis Driver, Digital Control System and Multi-Axis Robot

The utility model relates to a multi-axis driver, a digital control system and a multi-axis robot. The multi-axis driver includes a PXI power supply backplane (11) and a control unit (12), a power conversion unit (13) mounted on the PXI power supply backplane (11), and at least two uniaxial inverters (14), in which the power conversion unit (13) converts AC to DC and provides at least two uniaxial inverters (14) through the PXI power supply backplane (11), and the control unit (12) pairs the uniaxial through the PXI power supply backplane (11). The inverting unit (14) is controlled so that the uniaxial inverting unit (14) can invert the DC current. In the above way, the PXI power supply backplane (11) is used to mount the control unit (12), the power conversion unit (13) and at least two uniaxial inverters (14) respectively. The PXI power supply backplane (11) can be used as the control and power supply carrier, so that at least two uniaxial inverters (14) can share the control unit (12) and the power conversion unit (13), thus realizing the sharing of resources, simplifying the circuit structure and reducing the power supply. Low cost.





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