The utility model discloses a degassing device of an optical fiber prefabricated rod, which comprises a heat insulating box with an opening at the top; a vacuum chamber, which is internally placed in the heat insulating box, with a first through hole at the top of the vacuum chamber; an electric heating element, which is arranged in the heat insulating box and encloses the vacuum chamber; a top cover, which is plugged in the opening, is provided with a second through hole through the middle part of the top cover. The second through hole is aligned with the first through hole and the size is the same; the connecting tube connects the vacuum chamber at one end and the connecting tube for connecting the vacuum pumping equipment at the other end; and the pressure detector is connected with the vacuum chamber to detect the vacuum degree in the vacuum chamber. The degassing device has the advantages of simple structure, convenient use and uniform heating. It can provide a high temperature and negative pressure environment for the optical fiber preform to be degassed. It can make the residual gas such as HE in the optical fiber preform quickly escape, effectively remove the bubbles in the optical fiber preform and improve the processing quality of the optical fiber preform.
目前公知的光纤预制棒的制造工艺,典型的有管内法气相沉积工艺,如MCVD(modifiedchemicalvapordeposition)改进化学气相沉积工艺和PCVD(plasmachemicalvapordeposition)等离子体激发化学气相沉积法;以及管外法气相沉积工艺,如OVD(outsidevapordeposition)外部气相沉积工艺和VAD(vaporaxialdeposition)外部轴向沉积工艺。管内法气相沉积工艺,如PCVD工艺,采用SiCl4,GeCl4,O2等化学原料,通入高纯石英衬管内,利于微波源提供能量,激发等离子,发生化学反应,生成SiO2、GeO2等,沉积于管壁,后经过熔缩,得到实心芯棒,该工艺使用高纯硅锗料,高纯石英管材,原料成本较高;而且沉积速率受到管径的限制,很难得到有效提高,不利于产能的提高。因此就国内而言采用VAD制备芯棒,OVD制备包层已成主流。而在VAD工序中,除去沉积,烧结两个大工序外,在烧结后一般有会使用脱气工序。芯棒在沉积和烧结后由于原材料密度的不同及微量的参杂,在玻璃化过程中下会在芯棒的芯层及内包层残留些许气泡,而这些气泡会严重影响光纤各项性能产生次品,为保证芯棒的光学性能及机械新能,通常对其进行脱气处理。脱气的原理是将烧结后的预制棒加热到700℃-1400℃之间在接近玻璃的软化点附近使其中的气泡缓慢溢出,而常规脱气方法是在常压下进行脱气。对一米长的预制棒进行脱气需要大概8-36小时或者更久,而真空脱 ...