The invention belongs to the field of nano material preparation technology, in particular to a preparation method of in-situ synthesis of high concentration zinc oxide composite water-borne dispersion solution. Firstly, 5,5 dimethyl hydantoin was dissolved in water, and a certain amount of zinc chloride was added to the solution as a turbid solution, and alkaline regulator was added to adjust the solution to alkaline solution, and the solution was changed into transparent solution to form a stable complex of zinc ion. Then, nanoparticle protector polyvinylpyrrolidone and sodium polyacrylate was added to mix evenly, and alkaline regulator was added to react for a period of time. ZnO composite aqueous dispersion was obtained directly. The method adopts 5,5 dimethyl hydantoin and zinc ion strong complexation to control the reaction rate, and under the protection of polyvinylpyrrolidone and sodium polyacrylate, the complete crystalline zinc oxide is successfully formed under the condition of less than 50 C. The nano-zinc oxide particles prepared by in-situ complex slow-release crystallization method are less than 20 nm, the strength of the dispersing solution D90 is less than 100 nm, the dispersing solution can exist stably for a long time without precipitation, and the storage time is at least two years.
纳米ZnO是一种面向21世纪的新型高功能精细无机产品,其粒径介于1~100纳米,又称为超微细ZnO。由于颗粒尺寸的细微化,比表面积急剧增加,使得纳米ZnO产生了其本体块状材料所不具备的表面效应、小尺寸效应和宏观量子隧道效应等。因而,纳米ZnO在磁、光、电、化学、物理学、敏感性等方面具有一般ZnO产品无法比拟的特殊性能和新用途,在橡胶、涂料、油墨、颜填料、催化剂、高档化妆品以及医药等领域展示出广阔的应用前景。众所周知纳米氧化物极易产生自身的团聚,使得应有的性能难以充分发挥。此外,纳米氧化物的诸多奇异性能否得到充分发挥,还取决于最大限度降低粉体与介质间的表面张力。因此,纳米氧化物粉体必须均匀分散,充分打开其团聚体,才能发挥其应有的奇异性能。氧化物分散液的制备方法一般分为两步,先制备纳米粉体,然后添加分散剂在剪切力的作用下将团聚的粉体分散开。氧化锌的制备一般采用湿化学方法,它具有制备条件易控制、设备较简单、能按化学计量进行反应、所得产品纯度高、粒度可控、便于实现工业化等特点。除水热法可直接一步得到氧化锌粉体外,其它湿化学方法,如化学沉淀法等,大多需要首先得到前驱物,由前驱物经热分解处理再得到纳米氧化锌。这种两步法较一步法工艺系统复杂,且由于增加了热分解过程,致使设备投资增加,能耗升高,产品成本加大;而水热法虽可一步直接得到所需产品,但它是在高温高压下进行反应,对设备技术要求较高,且不利于工业化大规模生产 ...