The utility model provides a ceramic tube type ozone generating device, which comprises an AC high-voltage driving module, a PCB bracket, a ceramic tube, an internal spring and an external spring. The output terminals of the AC high-voltage driving module are respectively connected to the two ends of the PCB bracket. The PCB bracket is equipped with a ceramic tube, the ceramic tube is equipped with an internal spring, and the ceramic tube is externally wound with an external elastic. A spring, at least one end of the external spring is connected with one end of the PCB bracket and is electrically connected with the output end of the AC high voltage drive module at that end, and at least one end of the internal spring is electrically connected with the other end of the PCB bracket and with the output end of the AC high voltage drive module at that end; the internal spring and the external spring are made of stainless steel. The utility model can avoid the adsorption of nitrogen oxides and powders on the surface of the ozone generator, prolong the service life of the ozone generator, has simple structure, is easy to install and is convenient to use.
臭氧(O3),是氧气(O2)的同素异形体,不可燃,为纯净物,氧气通过电击可变为臭氧。在常温下,它是一种有鱼腥草味的淡蓝色气体,常温常压下,稳定性较差,可自行分解为氧气,在实际运用中臭氧的半衰期为30分钟到60分钟之间,温度越高分解越快。臭氧具有强氧化性,能与甲醛、苯、TVOC等有机化合物发生化学反应,我们通过如下化学反应式来了解下臭氧是如何清除甲醛、苯的:1HCHO(甲醛)+2O3=1CO2+1H2O+2O2,2HCHO(甲醛)+2O3=2CO2+2H2O+1O2,5O3+C6H6(苯)=6CO2+3H2O。臭氧与甲醛和苯发生反应后的产物为二氧化碳、水和氧气,并且臭氧在室温条件下容易分解成氧气,根据室温的不同一般存留的时间为30-60分钟,因此臭氧被人们誉为绿色无污染的环保除甲醛利器。臭氧抑菌、除异味的原理同样也是利用其极强的氧化性,破坏分解细菌的细胞壁,很快地扩散、渗透进细胞内,氧化分解细菌内部生产葡萄糖所必须的葡萄糖氧化酶等,也可直接与细菌、病毒发生作用,破坏细胞、核糖核酸(RNA),分解脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)、蛋白质、脂质类和多糖等大分子聚合物,使细菌的代谢和繁殖过程遭到破坏。细胞消散是由细菌的细胞膜断裂、细胞质在水中被粉碎引起的,在消散的条件下细胞不可能再生。与UV紫外杀菌相比较,UV紫外杀菌只能杀死其紫外线可照射的地方,且需要一定的时间的剂量照射,杀菌局限性大,而臭氧为气体,可以扩散到整个房间的每个角落,抑菌效果更彻底、全面;与次氯酸类消毒剂不 ...