A kind of urban environmental protection river system includes urban river course, which opens ecological channels on both sides of urban river course; urban river course is divided into several sections, and river corridors are set up between adjacent sections. The river channel corridor consists of a cubic frame crosswise erected on the urban river course and on the surface of the platform, as well as energy conversion equipment erected on the cubic frame, floating on the river surface and floating up and down with the river water. The energy conversion device connects the voltage regulator through the mixer, the end of the voltage regulator connects the hydraulic power generation device, and the hydraulic power generation device is set on the platform of the cubic frame; the bottom of the urban river channel located in the river corridor is the biological bed; the sightseeing corridor is laid along the ecological channel, and the sightseeing corridor is equipped with lights, and the hydraulic power generation device connects the lights through the controller. The utility model forms an environment-friendly ecological river with three functions of river water purification, environmental protection energy generation and ecological sightseeing.
城市河道是指城区内用于防洪、排涝、引清、蓄水、排水及航运的天然或人工水道。目前多数城市河道在发挥上述功能的同时,还兼顾纳污功能。城市的各种污水,尤其是生活污水都部分地排入河道内,导致河道原有的生态功能失衡。不少城市河道相继出现黑臭问题,严重影响城市发展。消除城市河道黑臭,改善城市水环境质量,对保障城市人居健康,促进社会和谐与经济发展具有极其重要的现实意义。不少城市河道在高温季节容易发生黑臭问题,因此有人提出对城市河道实施生态修复。一般来说,生态修复是指利用生态学原理,采用生物生态技术手段对河道进行整治来实现河道生态系统的良性循环。据报道,国内外现有河道修复技术主要包括截污、清淤、引换水、人工曝气、投加微生物制剂、种植水生植物、构建生态塘或湿地等。由于黑臭水体受污染情况复杂,采用单一修复方法往往不能达到理想的效果。因此在一些黑臭河道实际整治过程中还出现了物理化学、生物生态组合性修复技术。但是无论采取单一或组合性修复技术,现有的河道治理仍可能存在水质改善不明显(尤其是溶解性氮、磷、硫去除效率低),底泥治理不彻底和(或)河道景观功能缺失等问题。城市河道黑臭水体的修复首先应因地制宜,根据水体受污染的实际情况,结合一定的物理、化学修复技术,才能有效的实施生物修复措施。同时应加强原位生物修复与异位生物修复相结合,探索治理城市河道黑臭的有效共性修复技术。传统的治理方法难以解决如下突出问题:(1)河流水质低劣。河流中混杂着清水、污水、中水和雨水,即使经处理达标的中水,成分仍然复杂,不能作为饮用水,也不是优质的景 ...