The utility model discloses a negative pressure suction cup for treating funnel chest diseases in children, which comprises a circular silica gel seat and a perspective observation cover; the observation cover comprises a front sheet, a circular side sheet and a negative pressure interface; one end of the circular side sheet is inserted into the silica gel seat, and the other end is closed by the front sheet; the front sheet and the circular side sheet are surrounded by a cavity, and the perspective observation cover is arranged. The negative pressure interface is used to connect the cavity and the external negative pressure equipment. The utility model has the advantage that a relatively thinner annular side sheet is arranged as a cavity support column. It can greatly reduce the overall weight, but also improve the rigidity of the cavity. It can maintain the negative pressure suction cup's adsorptive force to the human body without additional negative pressure strength. It not only reduces the cost of production, but also is more suitable for the treatment and use of children. As the whole perspective observation cover is a perspective material, patients can observe the cavity through the circular side film from top to bottom, without the help of other people, which further reduces the cost of human resources.
漏斗胸是一种儿童重大先天疾病,新生儿发病率高达1/300,其临床表现为胸部凹陷畸形,严重损害心肺等重要器官功能,影响生长发育。目前主要治疗方法为Nuss手术,即在患儿胸腔内壁植入金属矫形板,两年后二次手术将其取出。仍然存在二次创伤、伤口不愈合、伤口感染、疼痛和过度矫正等并发症问题。负压吸盘矫形器的出现给漏斗胸治疗带来了新的选择。使用负压吸盘,无需手术,无痛苦。现有技术中的儿童漏斗胸矫形负压吸盘如图1、2所示,包括一个圆环状的硅胶柱和观察窗。位于外边缘和内边缘之间的硅胶柱背面用于与人体胸口皮肤贴合密封,内边缘内的环空用于对胸口产生牵引负压。观察窗黏合于硅胶柱的正面,观察窗与硅胶柱环内形成空腔,并且在观察窗上设置负压接口。使用的时候将负压吸盘如图2的方向垂直放置,硅胶柱底面贴紧人体胸口皮肤,然后将抽真空设备连接负压接口对空腔产生负压用以牵引胸部外扩。通过观察窗观察胸部外扩情况以调整负压强度。上述结构和使用过程会带来以下缺点:1)基于医疗卫生的硬性指标,其硅胶必须采用成本很高的医疗等级材料。圆柱状的硅胶柱体积很大,整体成本高昂而不利于大量生产配置。2)硅胶自身是密度较大的材料,体积大还带来重量大的缺点。使用时负压吸盘是垂直贴合到人体的,重量大的话容易脱落。为了防止脱落会适当增加空腔内的负压强度以提高吸合力。这样会使患者不能以标准的负压进行治疗,不利于患者的长期健康。3)重量大的负压吸盘一般只适用于成年人,对于儿童来说是很难适应其整体重量负荷。4 ...