The invention discloses a prediction method for bending springback of thin plate free-form surface, draws the neutral layer cross-section of bending parts, subdivides the curve section and straight line section of the neutral layer cross-section, determines the curvature radius after bending unloading, determines the springback amount of bending angle, calculates the bending radius and springback amount of bending angle of each curve section, draws the new curve section after bending springback, and takes the straight line section. Connect two new curve segments, take the average tangent slope of two connecting points as the slope value of the curve segment after bending, make the line segment pass through the midpoint, calculate and determine the equation of the new line segment after bending rebound; move and rotate the new curve segment to make it tangent to the two ends of the new line segment; get the multi-segment bending line with complete rebound. The invention proposes to segment the curve segment and the straight line segment of the neutral layer of the bending part, and calculates the springback of the curve segment and the straight line segment of the multi-section bending by adding the slope of the curve segment of the neutral layer of the section line of the stamping part and the end point at the connection of the straight line segment.
金属板材冲压成形是采用模具和冲压设备,使板材发生塑性变形,并获得所需要零件形状的技术。板材冲压是一种常用的塑性成形方法,具有生产效率高、低成本、低消耗、操作简单、容易实现机械化和自动化等诸多优点,被广泛的应用于航空航天、机械仪表、汽车工业、电气工程等工业领域。冲压成形过程存在弹塑性变形、摩擦磨损、接触触碰等复杂的物理现象。由于存在这些复杂的物理现象,导致精确控制冲压成形过程较为困难,不可避免出现起皱、拉裂、回弹、开裂等缺陷。在板材弯曲成形工艺中,当成形完成后移开模具时,工件内的残余应力得到释放,使得弯曲件的形状和尺寸与模具尺寸不一致,影响了零件的最终弯曲成形,出现回弹现象。回弹现象将影响弯曲件的形状精度和尺寸精度。当回弹量超过一定范围,就会成为一种缺陷,将影响到与其他零件的装配及其使用。而金属板材的回弹是弯曲成形时常见的现象,也是困扰冲压领域的技术难题。对于板材的弯曲回弹,研究集中在U形件、V形件或者U形件和V形件组合等的回弹。而薄板材弯曲成形不规则自由曲面的零件后,零件的应力分布是不连续的,其回弹机理更为复杂,回弹预测更为困难,本专利技术针对薄板材弯曲成形不规则自由曲面零件回弹难以预测的问题,通过将自由曲面划分成平面和数个曲率半径不同的小弧面,采用对冲压件截面线中性层的曲线段和直线段连接处端点斜率加成的方法,得到回弹后直线段的方程,根据中性层长度不变原理预测曲线段的回弹情况,实现对薄板材不规则自由曲面弯曲回弹的预测,解决冲压件曲面区域和 ...