
技术编号:20291168 阅读:47 留言:0更新日期:2019-02-10 21:10

Ethernet Passive Optical Network Communication Method, Optical Network Unit and Optical Line Terminal

The embodiment of the invention discloses an Ethernet passive optical network communication method, an optical network unit and an optical line terminal, which can improve the bandwidth efficiency under the multi-LLID mode in EPON. The method of the embodiment of the present invention includes: ONU generates the first control frame, the first control frame includes the first data domain, and the first data domain includes the bandwidth requirement of the at least one logical link identification LLID; ONU transmits the first control frame to the optical line terminal OLT. On the other hand, OLT generates a second control frame, the second control frame includes a second data domain, and the second data domain includes the authorization information of the at least one LLID; OLT sends the second control frame to ONU. In the embodiments of the present invention, on the one hand, the bandwidth requirement of multiple LLIDs can be installed in the first control frame, so that one first control frame can report the bandwidth requirement of multiple LLIDs; on the other hand, the second control frame can authorize multiple LLIDs in one ONU and carry more useful information in one frame, thereby saving bandwidth and improving bandwidth efficiency.





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