The invention provides a selenium-enriched coriander leaf crushed rice extract, which is extracted from the above-ground part of the stem and leaf of the coriander leaf crushed rice. The extraction steps include: the above-ground part of the stem and leaf of the above-ground part of the selenium-enriched coriander leaf crushed dry product is crushed, extracted by water, filtered residue and filtrate. The filter residue is extracted again under the same conditions and filtered to obtain the filter residue and filtrate. The filtrate extracted twice was combined to concentrate the concentrate. Ethanol was added to the concentrate, and the alcohol was put to rest overnight. The liquid phase and solid phase filtered after alcohol precipitation were separated. The solid phase dissolves in water, adds ethanol, and the alcohol stays overnight. After alcohol precipitation, the liquid phase and solid phase filters are separated, and the target product is obtained by solid phase drying. The total selenium content in the extract of Se-enriched Coriander leaves and crushed buckwheat was more than 2 800 mg/kg, and the organic selenium content was more than 97%. Furthermore, the invention also provides the application of the selenium-enriched extract of coriander leaf and broken rice buckwheat in liver protection, which has remarkable curative effect and can be used to develop a series of functional foods with wide application range.
聚硒植物堇叶碎米荠是十字花科碎米荠属多年生植物,主要分布在高山地带,其嫩茎、叶都可食用,味道鲜嫩可口,是一种优良的野菜资源。近年来,在恩施典型富硒区域,发现了具有很高硒含量的天然堇叶碎米荠植株,硒含量可达到数百个ppm。硒是人体必需的微量元素,长期以一直被认为是重要的食物来源的抗氧化剂,在国际医药界和营养学界被誉为“生命之火”、“抗癌之王”、“心脏的守护神”。硒的生理作用有很多,归纳起来有十种:提高人体免疫机能、防癌抗癌、防治心脑血管疾病、保护肝脏、抗氧化及延缓衰老、参与糖尿病治疗就、保护及修复细胞、保护眼睛、提高红细胞携氧能力、解毒、防毒、抗污染。硒对人体的作用最初是从证实硒对肝脏有很强的保护作用而发现的。人体肝是一个硒库,肝脏中硒浓度显著高于其它组织器官。硒是营养性肝坏死的主要保护因子。肝病越严重,血硒含量越低。硒能防治肝炎、预防脂肪肝等。科技人员大量调查显示,酒精肝病、肝炎、肝硬化、肝腹水等肝损伤患者体内的硒比正常人明显偏低。适量补硒能有效防治乙肝。硒是嗜酒者的保护神,适量补硒可以起到加速酒精分解代谢,进而保护肝脏。据统计,我国72%的地区处于缺硒和低硒状态。我国13省份普查显示,人均每日硒摄入量仅为36μg,低于世界卫生组织推荐的50μg标准,更低于中国营养学会建议的成年人每日补充60—250μg的量。亚硒酸钠是一种典型的补硒保健品,但由于其成分单一,护肝效果有限,并且其功效剂量和毒性剂量之间范围较 ...