The invention relates to a cement-free high-performance soil stabilizer for industrial solid waste, which consists of specially treated steel slag, water slag, waste stone powder, desulfurization gypsum, phosphogypsum slag, carbide slag and zeolite. The performance of the soil solidifying agent of the invention is superior to that of the conventional soil solidifying agent, and is beneficial to the improvement of engineering quality and the reduction of cost. More than 90% of the raw materials used in the invention are industrial solid waste, which not only solves the problems of occupying land and seriously polluting the environment caused by the accumulation of industrial solid waste, but also causes the idle and waste of natural resources, effectively replaces the amount of cement and clinker used in conventional soil solidifying agent, and reduces the energy consumption in the production of cement and clinker equally. The destruction of nature and the emission of harmful gases, such as CO2, play a role of waste control. For example, replacing conventional products with the products of the invention in China can reduce the explosive, coal and electricity consumption of mountain-breaking explosives, reduce the emission of harmful gases such as CO2 by hundreds of millions of tons each year, greatly reduce the demand for and destruction of nature, and undoubtedly have great significance for improving China's economic, social and environmental benefits.
从目前我们看到的国内正在使用的多种土壤固化剂,无论是从形态上看的固态和液态,还是从物质组成的特点上看的无机类、离子类、有机聚合类固化剂,普遍存在着几大瓶颈问题:第一,对于各种不同土质往往考虑单一针对性多,考虑兼容性不够。一把钥匙只开一把锁,只有极少量的考虑了兼容,但也往往难以照顾到各方需求,从而影响了土壤固化剂的应用范围和效果;第二,被固化土体的抗压抗折强度不够高,大多数刚刚达标,有的甚至先强后弱,导致“二次泥化”现象产生,少有恒久且超强的抗压抗折强度;第三,亲水性处理不彻底,带来产品质量上的不稳定;第四,有的配方中使用的化学试剂,不可避免地存在二次污染等问题。第五,目前相当多的固化剂品种中,配方中都含有水泥或熟料。国内常规水泥大都要添加熟料。熟料用量甚至高达水泥原料总量的60~70%。而一些固化剂则直接添加了熟料,且占比大多为固化剂质量的三分之一,有的甚至高达40%左右。水泥或熟料不仅造价高,且固化效果也不理想。近年来的研究热点集中在使用新型固化材料,尤其是将一些大宗工业固废,例如粉煤灰、脱硫石膏等作为主要材料制作固化剂。但多数固化剂的固化效果依赖于土壤颗粒度、含水量和有机质含量。当遇到含水量高和有机质含量高的土壤时,往往导致土壤固化后的强度偏低,且采用水泥或熟料、粉煤灰、石灰、石膏等传统固化剂,在固化过程中形成的水化产物不能有效填充土壤内部孔隙,固化完成后结构中仍有大量孔隙存在,水稳性 ...