The invention discloses an electric rolling screen for cleaning materials in cement bin. The upper part of the support I is equipped with a screening device, the upper part of the support I is equipped with a shell II, and the lower part of the shell II is equipped with an outlet II; the inner part of the shell I is equipped with a screen I, the inner part of the screen I is equipped with several supporting rings, and the inner part of the supporting ring is equipped with several supporting plates I, the supporting plate I is close to the inner surface of the screen I, and the rotating shaft passes through I is connected to the supporting plate I, and one side of the bearing seat is provided with a motor; the supporting plate I is connected with a guide plate I, and the guide plate I is connected with the supporting plate I. On one side of the guiding plate I, there are guide plates II, on the other side of the guiding plate II, there are several support plates II, and on the lower part of the supporting plate II, there are sieve mesh II; on the one side of the sieve mesh II, there is an outlet I, and the outlet I is connected to the outer shell II; and on the other side of the sieve mesh II, The first side is provided with a storage device. The invention crushes and filters the agglomerated cement to make use of it.
本专利技术的目的是克服现有技术中不足,提供一种水泥仓清库料电滚筛,对板结不彻底水泥进行粉碎过滤加以利用,降低损耗,节约成本。为了实现上述目的,本专利技术采用的技术方案是:一种水泥仓清库料电滚筛,包括支架Ⅰ、筛选装置、储料装置,所述支架Ⅰ上部设有筛选装置,所述筛选装置包括进料口Ⅰ、外壳Ⅰ、外壳Ⅱ、轴承座、密封座、筛网Ⅰ、转轴、筛网Ⅱ、电机、联轴器、出料口Ⅰ、出料口Ⅱ,所述支架Ⅰ上部设有外壳Ⅱ,外壳Ⅱ连接在支架上,外壳Ⅱ下部设有出料口Ⅱ,筛选后的物料经过出料口Ⅱ从外壳Ⅱ内流出;外壳Ⅱ上部设有外壳Ⅰ,外壳Ⅰ通过螺钉连接在外壳Ⅱ上,外壳Ⅰ一侧设有进料口Ⅰ,物料通过进料口Ⅰ进入外壳Ⅰ内进行筛选;外壳Ⅰ内部设有筛网Ⅰ,筛网Ⅰ内部设有若干个支撑圈,支撑圈对筛网Ⅰ起到支撑的作用防止筛网Ⅰ变形,筛网Ⅰ通 ...
1.一种水泥仓清库料电滚筛,包括支架Ⅰ、筛选装置、储料装置,其特征在于所述支架Ⅰ上部设有筛选装置,所述筛选装置包括进料口Ⅰ、外壳Ⅰ、外壳Ⅱ、轴承座、密封座、筛网Ⅰ、转轴、筛网Ⅱ、电机、联轴器、出料口Ⅰ、出料口Ⅱ,所述支架Ⅰ上部设有外壳Ⅱ,外壳Ⅱ连接在支架上,外壳Ⅱ下部设有出料口Ⅱ;外壳Ⅱ上部设有外壳Ⅰ,外壳Ⅰ通过螺钉连接在外壳Ⅱ上,外壳Ⅰ一侧设有进料口Ⅰ;外壳Ⅰ内部设有筛网Ⅰ,筛网Ⅰ内部设有若干个支撑圈,筛网Ⅰ通过支撑圈固定在外壳Ⅱ上,支撑圈内部设有若干个支撑板Ⅰ,转轴通过若干个支撑杆Ⅰ连接在支撑板Ⅰ上,转轴两端设有轴承,轴承外部设有轴承座,轴承座固定在外壳Ⅱ上,轴承座内部设有轴承,轴承连接在转轴上;轴承座一侧设有电机,电机与转轴之间通过联轴器连接;电机转动通过联轴器带动转轴在轴承座内转动;支撑板Ⅰ一侧设有导向板Ⅰ,导向板Ⅰ连接在支撑板Ⅰ上,导向板Ⅰ一侧设有导向板Ⅱ,导向板Ⅱ固定在外壳Ⅱ上,导向板Ⅱ一侧设有若干个支撑板Ⅱ,支撑板Ⅱ通过支撑板Ⅲ连接在转轴上,支撑板Ⅱ下部设有筛网Ⅱ,筛网Ⅱ呈弧形,筛网Ⅱ连接在外壳Ⅱ上;筛网Ⅱ一侧设有出料口Ⅰ,出料口Ⅰ连接在外壳Ⅱ上;出料口Ⅰ一侧设有储料装置 ...