The invention discloses a multifunctional wireless charging mobile phone, which comprises a mobile phone body and a charging seat. The mobile phone body is equipped with a charging management module, a charging battery and a secondary coil, and the secondary coil and the charging battery are electrically connected with the charging management module respectively. The charging seat is equipped with a charging treasure, a oscillating circuit generator and a primary coil, and the primary coil is electrically connected with the oscillating circuit generator. When charging, the mobile phone body is placed on the charging seat and the primary coil corresponds to the secondary coil; the surface of the charging seat is provided with a display screen, a sleep monitoring circuit module and a step-counting circuit module; the information detected is displayed on the display screen by the sleep monitoring circuit module and the step-counting circuit module; and the surface of the charging seat is also provided with a display screen. There is a money-checking lamp. Because of the above structure, the patent has the functions of wireless charging, banknote checking, sleep monitoring and pacing.
手机分为智能手机和非智能手机,智能手机,是指像个人电脑一样,具有独立的操作系统,大多数是大屏机,而且是触摸电容屏,也有部分是电阻屏,功能强大实用性高。可以由用户自行安装包括游戏等第三方服务商提供的程序,通过此类程序来不断对手机的功能进行扩充,并可以通过移动通讯网络来实现无线网络接入的这样一类手机的总称。说通俗一点就是一个简单的“1+1=”的公式,“掌上电脑+手机=智能手机”。从广义上说,智能手机除了具备手机的通话功能外,还具备了PDA的大部分功能,特别是个人信息管理以及基于无线数据通信的浏览器和电子邮件功能。智能手机为用户提供了足够的屏幕尺寸和带宽,既方便随身携带,又为软件运行和内容服务提供了广阔的舞台。4G是第四代移动通信及其技术的简称,能够传输高质量视频图像以及图像传输质量与高清晰度电视不相上下的技术产品。在全球范围内使用最广的手机是GSM手机和CDMA手机。一般我们都会有一种想法就是手机的电池电力要全部放完再充电比较好基本上是没错的,因为我们在以前使用的充电电池大部分是镍镉(Nicd)电池,而镍镉电池有所谓的记忆效应若不放完电再充的话会导致电池寿命急速减少。因此我们才会用到最后一滴电才开始充电。但当下的手机及一般数码产品大部分都用锂(Li)电池,而锂电池的话就没有记忆效应的问题。若大家还是等到全部用完电后再充的话,会使得锂电池内部的化学物质结构不稳定从而导致寿命减少。这是从厂商那得到的讯息,并经过本身测试而得。现在手机充电,都是采用有线充电的方式,故在使用时带来 ...