The utility model belongs to the technical field of chute engineering, and discloses a lifting winch device used in chute construction. The lifting winch device comprises a ground wheel, a winch drum shaft, a winch drum shaft, a rope baffle plate on the winch drum, and the rope baffle plate is located between the first baffle plate and the second baffle plate. The side of the rope baffle plate is welded with two symmetrical pieces near the second baffle plate. The two arc plates are sleeved on the winch drum and are tightened with the winch drum. A wire rope is wound on the winch drum between the baffle plate and the first baffle. The utility model can effectively shorten the distance between the ground wheel and the winch drum by changing the effective width of the winch drum, ensuring that the angle between the winding rope at both ends of the winch drum and the center of the wheel is less than the prescribed value, thus realizing the reduction of the engineering quantity of the chute excavation measures, reducing the engineering quantity and investment cost of the chute excavation measures, and effectively improving the excavation efficiency.
溜井是地下采矿中用于存储溜放采场运移矿石的主要通道,原矿分别从每条进路搬运或铲运到采场溜井,继而经过下一步溜放、破碎、提运等一系列工序,到达地面。龙首矿采用下向分层胶结充填采矿法,溜井深度一般为60-100m,溜井掘进施工一般采用从下挖的方式施工,人员和毛石采用提升绞车提升。根据《安全生产法》等法律法规和《国务院关于进一步加强企业安全生产工作的通知》(国发〔2010〕23号)要求,淘汰不符合国家有关法律法规规定、安全性能低下、危及安全生产的落后设备和工艺,推动金属非金属矿山设备和工艺的改善,提高金属非金属矿山安全保障能力,预防生产安全事故,国家安全监管总局制定了《金属非金属矿山禁止使用的设备及工艺目录(第一批)》,其中Φ1.2m以下(不含Φ1.2m)的绞车卷筒4用于升降人员的提升绞车(自发布之日起一年后禁止使用);根据《安全规程》和设计规范要求:保证设备在安装以后不会发生咬绳,钢丝绳缠绕整齐,设备布置合理,绞车卷筒4的布置必须满足地轮1中心与绞车卷筒4上的钢丝绳的最大偏角小于1°30′的要求(见图1)。根据溜井施工方式,提升绞车在溜井施工中有不可替代的作用。选用Φ1.2m的提升卷筒4的宽度最小为0.8m,要满足钢丝绳与地轮1中心小于1°30′夹角的要求,稳车间至少要布置在距离地轮1为15.3m外,才能保证安全需要,考虑到常规施工工艺,需安装2台提升绞车来提升吊桶,根据设备安全规程,稳车间要留有0.8m安全距离,再加上稳车3的自身的宽度2. ...