The utility model relates to a back-type tea picking umbrella, which comprises an umbrella rod, an umbrella surface, a supporting skeleton, a umbrella surface skeleton tie rod and a supporting skeleton tie rod. The umbrella surface under the umbrella surface is fixed with an umbrella surface bone, and an umbrella bone connector is fixed in the middle of the umbrella surface. The top of the umbrella rod is connected with an umbrella bone connector, and a sliding connector is sleeved on the umbre The middle part of the supporting skeleton is articulated with one end of the supporting skeleton tie rod, the other end of the supporting skeleton tie rod is articulated with the umbrella connector, and between the supporting skeleton tie rod and the umbrella surface bone is articulated with the umbrella surface bone tie rod, including the back strap, the transverse back plate and the vertical back plate. One end of the vertical back plate is connected with the bottom end of the umbrella rod, and the other end of the vertical back plate is provided with a cross hole at The middle part of the back strap is fixed on the umbrella rod, and the two ends of the back strap pass through the through holes at both ends of the transverse back plate and are connected with the insertion button. The umbrella has good sunshade effect and is light and handy.
茶是一种起源于中国的由茶树植物叶或芽制作的饮品。也泛指可用于泡茶的常绿灌木茶树的叶子,以及用这些叶子泡制的饮料,后来引申为所有用植物花、叶、种子、根泡制的草本茶,如“铁观音”等。茶叶作为一种著名的保健饮品,它是古代中国南方人民对中国饮食文化的贡献,也是中国人民对世界饮食文化的贡献。茶叶中所含的成份很多,将近500种。主要有咖啡碱、茶碱、可可碱、胆碱、黄嘌呤、黄酮类及甙类化合物、茶鞣质、儿茶素、萜烯类、酚类、醇类、醛类、酸类、酯类、芳香油化合物、碳水化合物、多种维生素、蛋白质和氨基酸。氨基酸有半胱氨酸、蛋氨酸、谷氨酸、精氨酸等。茶中还含有钙、磷、铁、氟、碘、锰、钼、锌、硒、铜、锗、镁等多种矿物质。茶叶中的这些成份,对人体是有益的,其中尤以锰能促进鲜茶中维生素C的形成,提高茶叶抗癌效果。茶能消食去腻、降火明目、宁心除烦、清暑解毒、生津止渴。茶中含有的茶多酚,具有很强的抗氧化性和生理活性,是人体自由基的清除剂,可以阻断亚硝酸胺等多种致癌物质在体内合成。它还能吸收放射性物质达到防辐射的效果,从而保护女性皮肤。用茶叶洗脸,还能清除面部的油腻、收敛毛孔、减缓皮肤老化。中国明代李时珍(公元1518~1593)所撰的一本药物学专著《本草纲目》,成书于明万历六年(公元1578)。李时珍自己也喜欢饮茶,说自己“每饮新茗,必至数碗”。书中论茶甚详。言茶部分,分释名、集解、茶、茶子四部,对茶树生态,各地茶产,栽培方法等均有记述,对茶的药理作用记载也很详细,曰:“茶苦而寒,阴中之阴, ...