The utility model discloses a trapping device for Polygonatum multiflorum pests, which comprises a support vertical rod and a trapping box, a low concentration trapping agent box is arranged outside the trapping box, a fixed plate is arranged above the trapping box, a plurality of trapping lamps are arranged at the bottom of the fixed plate, the trapping box is a double-layer structure including an inner tube and an outer tube, and the cavity in the center of the inner tube forms a trapping channel, and the top of the inner tube is opened. A trap entrance is formed at the mouth, and a trap box, an electric shock device and a fan suction device are arranged in the body of the trap box. The collection box is arranged at the bottom of the inner cylinder and connected with the inner cylinder. A high concentration attractant box is installed in the collection box. The electric shock device includes an electric shock racket. The electric shock racket is arranged in the trap channel for electric shock pests. The fan suction device is arranged in the inner wall of the inner cylinder, and the fan suction device is driven by the first motor. The side walls of the inner cylinder and the outer cylinder are provided with air outlets. The utility model has the advantages that the trap lamp and the attractant are used to trap insects simultaneously, the trap effect is better, and the killing efficiency is high.
多花黄精(PolygonatumcyrtonemaHua)是百合科黄精属的多年生草本植物,其根状茎肥厚,通常连珠状,少有近圆柱形。分布于中国四川、贵州、安徽、江苏、湖南、湖北、河南、江西、浙江、福建、广东、广西等地。其药食同源,是我国传统大宗药材,具有治疗脾胃虚弱,体倦乏力,食欲不振,心悸,气短,肺虚燥咳,津伤口渴,消渴病,肾虚精亏,腰膝酸软,具有很高的药用保健功效。以前多花黄精药材主要以野生采集为主,人工栽培量比较小,病虫危害并未引起人们的足够重视,随着市场需求量的增加,人工栽植面积的不断扩大也加重了病虫的危害,但是有关多花黄精病虫害的发生及防治技术仅有一些简单的叙述。多花黄精主要害虫为蛴螬、小地老虎、飞虱、叶蝉等。地下害虫蛴螬、小地老虎为害植株根部,咬断幼苗或咀食苗根,造成断苗或根茎部空洞。食叶害虫飞虱、叶蝉导致植株生长退缩、花器受损、果实干瘪、种子瘦小,为害严重时常伴生青绿霉病和灰霉病等病害,虫病齐发往往造成多花黄精整株死亡。当前对于多花黄精的害虫防治大多采用化学防治,但化学防治容易引起环境污染,杀伤天敌,引起次要害虫再猖獗,并且长期使用同一种农药,可使某些害虫产生不同程度抗药性,同时化学防治还会造成多花黄精的农药残留,对多花黄精产业发展造成很大不利影响。随着害虫防治技术的不断发展,人们也采用诱杀装置对害虫进行防治。但是,这些害虫诱杀装置存在着一定的局限性,诱虫灯只能对有趋光性的害虫进行诱捕,同时也只能在夜晚进行捕虫,诱虫方式单一,此外害虫容易逃脱害虫诱 ...