The invention relates to the technical field of sports equipment, in particular to a continuous backflip auxiliary training device. The utility model comprises two rings, a supporting rod, a supporting plate and a fixed component, two rings are arranged in parallel; the supporting rods are two, the length of the supporting rods is equal to the diameter of the rings, one supporting rod is connected on each ring, and two supporting rods on the two rings are parallel; the supporting rods pass through the center of the ring, the two ends are fixed at the edge of the ring respectively, and the two supporting rods are symmetrically provided with several circular holes; The supporting plate is composed of two upper and lower parts, both of which are arranged between the two supporting rods. The two ends of each supporting plate are fixed in the symmetrical circular holes of the two supporting rods, and the fixed components are connected with the midpoint of the two supporting rods respectively. The continuous back flip auxiliary training device of the utility model is novel in design, reasonable in structure, and has both fixed and adjustable functions. It can well meet the actual needs of practitioners of different height, and fully guarantee its practice effect.
连续后手翻(即筋斗),是技巧项目的主要运动形式之一,也是连接四门跟斗及更高难度动作极其重要的基本技术。早在文明古国之一的中国,秦汉时期的杂技中,就有倒立、翻筋斗等技巧动作。盛行于汉代的杂技,后来又成了元代戏剧等文艺形式的表演手段,经过历代杂技、武技艺人和戏曲艺人的不断加工、提炼、美化,才逐渐形成各项有规则的滚翻腾跃姿式。直至今日被广泛运用于自由体操、艺术体操、平衡木、技巧、杂技、舞蹈等运动项目中,其发展的难度越来越难。好多发展向后空翻转体的难度动作几乎都是运用后手翻这一基本技术进行衔接,审美价值也越来越高,它所达到的高度水平,使其成为了一种无法替代的艺术、体育形态。同时为提高人体运动的力量、速度、耐力、协调、灵敏等身体素质的训练起到了一个很好辅助作用,其价值不可忽视。在连续后手翻的教学练习过程中,首先练习者需具备原地后手翻动作技术,同时离不开保护者的保护与帮助。对于身材矮小,体重稍轻的青少年儿童,保护者不用消耗多大的体力就可以完成对练习者的身体姿态、运动轨迹、运动方向上的掌握,并且能够保证练习者在练习过程中的人身安全。但相对身材高大,体重较重的练习者来说,保护者进行保护帮助的时候就会很吃力,而且极易受伤。保护者的体力消耗很大,而且难以掌控练习者练习时的身体姿态、运动轨迹、运动方向。特别是在运动技能形成的泛化阶段,头脑中还没有建立清晰的运动表象之前,自身的心理障碍加上对保护者的极度不信任以及外部条件的影响,更容易导致练习者造成动作变形或直接不敢尝试练习,甚至有时 ...