The present invention discloses a tearable sheath tube for minimally invasive removal of cerebral hemorrhage and its working method. The tearable sheath tube includes a sheath tube body, and an expanding tube is arranged inside the sheath tube body. The outer section of the sheath tube body is quadrilateral, pentagonal or hexagonal in shape, and the upper edge of the sheath tube body is provided with a tearing and cutting seam. The tube body can be disassembled and connected, and the external side of the expanding tube is calibrated; its working method includes the following steps: S1, drilling a hole in the skull; S2, inserting the expanding tube into the skull, and detecting the distance from the skull to the location of hematoma by the scale of the external side of the expanding tube; S3, replacing the expanding tube with an enlarged external diameter, and examining it according to C2. The measured distance expands the pathway from the skull to the hematoma; S4, penetrates the dilatation tube into the sheath body and pushes it to the hematoma position; S5, pulls the dilatation tube out; S6, tears the upper end of the sheath body along the tearing incision; S7, puts the surgical tools into the sheath body to remove the hematoma.
颅内血肿主要是脑血管疾病、高血压、颅脑外伤造成的,是死亡率、致残率最高的因素之一。现在医学领域清除脑出血一般有以下几种方式:1:开放式开颅手术:这种手术创伤大,手术时间长,对患者的创伤大;2:引流管引流:这种手术方法创伤小,但是难于清除干净,使用尿激酶可引起再出血,也增加感染几率;3:锁孔显微手术;虽然随着科学的不断进步,锁孔显微手术具有微创、灵活、清除干净彻底、手术时间短、创伤小、并发症少等突出优点,但是仍存在视野不佳、难于清除干净的技术问题。针对该问题,专利公开号:CN2016105943097A专利技术了一种内窥镜专用透明撕开鞘管及其使用办法,改鞘管包括撕开鞘管本体、翼状部分、防滑盖、附属鞘芯,撕开鞘管本体的一端与翼状部分的一端连接,翼状部分的另外一端与防滑盖的一端连接,防滑盖的另外一端与附属鞘芯连接,附属鞘芯上设有附属鞘芯孔,撕开鞘管本体上设有定位孔。该专利技术专利没有在鞘管末端以及附属鞘芯末端做圆弧处理,手术过程中其末端对患者创伤较大,并且圆形的鞘管在手术操作过程中因为沾上血液等物质,使得鞘管外表面较滑,不利于操作人员的手持以及鞘管与头骨之间的固定。专利公开号CN201182594Y公开了一种可视神经内窥镜导鞘,包括导鞘头、鞘管、鞘芯、伸缩套管、定位螺钉、紧固器,其特征是:导鞘管内有导鞘头和鞘芯,导鞘管外套有一滑动管,滑动管上有一定位螺钉,鞘芯末端有一紧固器。其鞘管不能可撕开,操作性差,不是透明的,可视性差,鞘芯 ...