The invention discloses an efficient dehydration device for orthophosphate, which comprises an open upper furnace, a furnace cover arranged at the upper end of the furnace, and a detachable connection between the furnace cover and the furnace; a furnace body is arranged inside the furnace, and the relative sides of the furnace body are fixed to connect the first rotating shaft, the second rotating shaft, the axis of the first rotating shaft and the second rotating shaft respectively, and the first rotating shaft is collinear. The angle between the axis of the rotary shaft and the horizontal plane is 10-15 degrees. The first rotary shaft passes through the side wall of the furnace and connects with the rotary mechanism. The inner wall of the furnace is also fixed with a bearing seat. A second bearing is installed on the bearing seat, and the second rotary shaft is connected with the second bearing. The furnace door and the bearing seat are also arranged at the bottom of the side of the furnace. On the ipsilateral side wall. The invention is used to solve the problem of uneven fluidity and stratification in the process of phosphoric acid dehydration in the prior art, and the phosphoric acid at the bottom will have strong interference with the phosphoric acid at the upper part, so as to avoid the interference of the phosphoric acid at the lower part to the phosphoric acid at the upper part and improve the phosphoric acid dehydration efficiency.
磷酸或正磷酸,化学式H3PO4,分子量为97.994,是一种常见的无机酸,是中强酸。由五氧化二磷溶于热水中即可得到。正磷酸工业上用硫酸处理磷灰石即得。磷酸在空气中容易潮解。加热会失水得到焦磷酸,再进一步失水得到偏磷酸。磷酸主要用于制药、食品、肥料等工业,包括作为防锈剂,食品添加剂,牙科和矫形外科,EDIC腐蚀剂,电解质,助焊剂,分散剂,工业腐蚀剂,肥料的原料和组件家居清洁产品。也可用作化学试剂,磷酸盐是所有生命形式的营养。研究磷酸最早的化学家是法国化学家拉瓦锡。1772年,他做这样的实验:将磷放在以汞密封的钟罩里使其燃烧。实验结果而得出这样的结论:一定量的磷能燃烧于某容量的空气中;磷燃烧时生成无水磷的白色粉片,如细雪一般;燃烧后瓶中的空气约剩原来容量的80%;磷燃烧后较燃烧前约重2.5倍;白色粉片溶于水即成磷酸。拉瓦锡还证明磷酸可用浓硝酸和磷反应制得。大约过了一百多年,德国化学家李比希做了许多农业化学的实验,揭开磷和磷酸对植物生命的价值。1840年李比希著的《有机化学在农业和生理学上的作用》中,科学地论证了土壤的肥力问题,并指出磷对植物的作用。同时,他还进一步探究了磷酸及磷酸盐作为肥料的应用,从此磷酸的生产进入大规模化时代。磷酸的生产过程一直受原材料的地域影响,我国磷酸的生产主要集中在云南、四川、酸溶液在脱水过程中容易根据黏性分层,形成底部非常粘滞而顶部流动贵州、湖北,对于磷酸的二次加工中,加热脱水是制备焦磷酸、偏磷酸的主要方法之一,然而现有技术中的磷酸脱水装置 ...