The invention relates to a fire extinguishing agent, in particular to a microcapsule fire extinguishing agent, in particular to a microcapsule fire extinguishing agent using shock wave secondary spraying and a preparation method thereof. According to the weight, it mainly consists of the following components: hollow microspheres 5 15, iodine nitride 5 15, water 30 50, plugging agent 1 5, solid fire extinguishing powder 30 50, microcapsule material 5 15. The extinguishing agent has a double-layer microcapsule structure, the outermost microcapsule can ensure that the physical and chemical properties of the extinguishing agent are not destroyed before covering the combustion zone; when the extinguishing agent is covered in the combustion zone, the solid fire-extinguishing powder materials between the two microcapsules begin to play a flame-retardant role; at the same time, the water evaporation and heat absorption in the hollow microcapsules reduce. When the water evaporates completely, iodine nitride in hollow microspheres is heated and exploded to produce a large amount of nitrogen. The shock wave generated by the explosion sprays the solid fire extinguishing powder material twice, making it cover the combustion zone evenly, and the shock wave and nitrogen generated can also weaken the combustion reaction and inhibit the flame propagation.
火灾是当今世界上严重威胁人类生存和发展的常发性灾害之一,具有发生频率高、时空跨度大、造成损失与危害严重等特点。据不完全统计,全球每年发生火灾600-700万起,火灾经济损失可以达到全球社会生产总值的0.2%,死亡人数高达10万人。近年来,随着社会经济以及城市化的高速发展,我国火灾安全形势依然严峻。火灾的定义是在时间和空间上,失去控制的燃烧所造成的灾害。燃烧系指可燃物与氧或氧化剂作用发生的放热反应,通常有火苗和(或)发烟的现象。燃烧的发生必有同时具备三个条件,即:可燃物、助燃剂和着火源。灭火剂是指能够有效地破坏燃烧条件,终止燃烧的物质。干粉灭火剂由于其高灭火效率、易于储存、价格低廉、对人和环境无害等优势,被广泛地应用于固、液、气等多种类型的火灾。专利(CN102319498A)公开了一种复合型超细粉基灭火剂及其制备方法,该粉体灭火剂主要成分是双氢氧化物、2-溴-3,3,3-三氟丙烯液体和硬脂酸镁,同时具有疏水和疏油性,防潮性强、抗复燃性好、灭火效率高,既可作为灭火剂,又可作为干粉灭火剂的添加剂。专利(CN1049096335A)公开了一种ABC超细干粉抗复燃灭火剂,主要成分包括磷酸一铵、云母、二氧化硅、硫酸铵、含氢硅油、氟碳,该灭火剂灭火反应迅速,粉体弥漫性能好,易悬浮于着火空间,形成稳定的气溶胶,受热分解速度快,吸热反应快,捕获自由基能力特强,灭火效能大大提升。专利(CN106139496A)公开 ...