The invention discloses a cement dryer for industrial production, including a chassis, a box in the middle of the machine box, a storage box which divides the box into the upper end of the storage cavity and the drying chamber at the lower end. The material box is round in shape, and the outer wall is surrounded by a ring with more than one discharging slot and each discharging slot. A revolving box is arranged in one circle, and a rotating disc is loaded in the material box. One circle of the rotating disc is surrounded by more than one scraper, and the cement in the storage cavity enters the drying chamber through the discharge slot, and the bottom of the drying chamber is provided with a drying mechanism. The invention is simple in structure. The cement is dialed out by the scraping piece, and then dried by the hot gas source at the bottom, the vertical upward heat source can simplify the decline speed of the cement, then the initial drying is carried out during the air drift, and then into the drying chamber, it can also dry and refine the water at the same time. The purpose of mud.
本专利技术所要解决的技术问题是提供一种可同时完成细化以及烘干,烘干效率大大提升,结构设计更加合理的工业生产用的水泥烘干机。本专利技术是通过以下技术方案来实现的:一种工业生产用的水泥烘干机,包括一机箱,机箱中间设置有一个出料盒,出料盒将机箱分割成上端的储料腔以及下端的烘干腔,所述出料盒呈圆形状,其外壁环绕出料盒一圈设置有一个以上的出料槽,各出料槽均布环绕出料盒一圈设置,所述出料盒内装入一转动盘,所述转动盘上环绕转动盘一圈设置有一片以上的刮片,刮片头部部分扣入于出料槽中,储料腔内的水泥通过出料槽进入到烘干腔,烘干腔的底部具有烘干机构。作为优选的技术方案,所述烘干机构包括设置于烘干腔底部的一个以上的进气口,进气口外部均接有一进气管,进气管连接外部热气源,进气口正对上端的转动盘。作为优选的技术方案,所述储料腔的底面上设置有一圈凸起,该凸起的截面呈倾斜状,其倾斜面正对中间的出料盒设置。作为优选的技术方案,所述刮片的外侧端均设置一折弯板,所述折弯板以及刮片均采用具有弹性变形能力的金属制成。作为优选的技术方案,所述机箱的顶部具有加料口,机箱的底部设置有出料口。作为优选的技术方案,所述转动盘通过驱动电机驱动,驱动电机的驱动电机轴驱动转动盘作顺时针旋转 ...