The utility model discloses a multi-flesh plant watering device, which comprises a pointed plug, a water outlet, a water leakage hole of the upper basin bracket, an upper basin bracket, a water inlet, a diversion pipe and a lower basin bracket; a pointed plug is inserted into a flowerpot from the water leakage hole of the flowerpot, and a water hole is placed in the middle part of the flowerpot, and an upper basin bracket is placed at the bottom of the flowerpot and a water inle Through the leak hole of the upper basin bracket, one end of the guide pipe is connected with the other end of the guide pipe. The lower basin bracket is installed under the upper basin bracket. The flowerpot, the upper basin bracket, the guide pipe, the pointed plug and the water inlet are fixed above the support. When the fleshy plants need watering, the intake connects with the external water pipe. Water flows into the pointed plug through the intake and diversion pipe, and slowly penetrates into the soil in the pot through the outlet, thus realizing the watering of fleshy plants. The utility model can be used for watering family fleshy plants, especially for fleshy plants with larger shape than the pot mouth, and has the advantages of simple structure, convenient disassembly and assembly, and strong practicability.
近年来,多肉植物由于品种繁多、体态娇小、形状各异、适合设计各种微景观等特点受到广大消费者的关注和喜爱,然而,多肉植物的养护与普通花卉的养护存在很大的差别,主要表现在生长温度、浇水方法及配土方面,其中浇水方法是养好多肉植物的关键。大多数多肉植物适合的生长温度为15°~28°,温度低于10°或高于30°,多肉植物停止生长,进入休眠状态。多肉植物在生长期的浇水需遵循“不干不浇,浇则浇透”的原则,进入休眠状态的多肉植物,根系停止了大部分的活动,失去了吸水的功能,浇水只需给微量水即可。此外,多肉植物在浇水时,不能采用喷洒的方式,这样一方面会破坏部分多肉植物叶片上的白色粉末,使多肉植物失去保护,甚至在叶片上留下疤痕,另一方面,喷洒式浇水容易在多肉植物叶心处或者叶片上造成积水,容易造成叶心腐烂,且夏季高温时,附在叶片上的细小水珠在烈日灼射下会灼伤叶片,冬季低温时,细小的水珠可能会使叶片发生冻害。常用的多肉植物浇水方式采用尖嘴壶对着花盆盆土进行浇灌,但大多数多肉植物形态矮小,很容易遮挡住花盆盆口,此时从花盆盆口浇水容易造成多肉植物叶片损伤;另外,由于多肉植物配土疏松,从花盆盆口浇水的方式还会造成小苗伏倒,因此,上述两种情况下的最佳浇水方式为浸盆,就是将植物放入盛水的托盘或无孔浅盆内,让水从花盆底部排水孔处由下而上慢慢渗入盆内,直到盆面上的土潮湿为止,但当多肉植物较多时,这种人工浇水方法是一项非常巨大的工程,耗时耗力。因此需要提供一种结构简单,拆卸方便,成本低、实用性强的多肉植 ...