The invention discloses a sealing and locking structure between different kinds of pipes, including metal outer pipes and metal inner pipes sealed and connected with metal outer pipes. The outer diameter of one end of metal inner pipes is enlarged by 1_5mm by expander, and then the outer wall of metal outer pipes is extruded by extruder, so that the metal outer pipes are sagged inward and in gold. A ring protrusion is machined at one end of the outer pipe, then a layer of sealant is applied on the outer wall of the non-expanding end of the inner pipe, and then the expanding end of the inner pipe is loaded into the outer pipe of the metal, so that the inner pipe of the metal is pushed to the ring protrusion to obtain the semi-finished product, and finally the semi-finished product is put into the ready shrinkage. In the die of pipe machine, set up the shrinking machine stroke, control the work of the shrinking machine, through one or more shrinking tube forming, the finished product can be obtained, so that the metal outer tube and the metal inner tube can be closely connected, compared with the use of thread connection head in the current technology, the manufacturing cost is lower, the strength is higher, and the service life is longer. Long.
换热器是一种在不同温度的两种或两种以上流体间实现物料之间热量传递的节能设备,是使热量由温度较高的流体传递给温度较低的流体,使流体温度达到流程规定的指标,以满足工艺条件的需要,同时也是提高能源利用率的主要设备之一。换热器行业涉及暖通、压力容器、中水处理设备,化工,石油等近30多种产业,相互形成产业链条。数据显示2010年中国换热器产业市场规模在500亿元左右,主要集中于石油、化工、冶金、电力、船舶、集中供暖、制冷空调、机械、食品、制药等领域。其中用于制作换热器的材料主要有铜、不锈钢、钛及其合金制成,铜和不锈钢虽然应用最广泛,但是耐海水腐蚀能力较差,因此在海军战舰、船舶和滨海电站等领域使用寿命短,精灵使系数较低,而钛虽然完全不被海水腐蚀,但钛的价格昂贵,因此在实际应用中,人们将与海水接触的换热管使用金属钛制,而将不与海水接触的换热管使用铜制成即可,这样不仅可以抵抗海水的腐蚀,还可以减小使用成本,这样在实际使用中,就需要对铜管和钛管进行连接,而由于铜管和钛管属于不同性质的材质,铜的熔点为1000℃左右,钛的熔点为1600℃左右,由于两者的材质的熔点相差太大,无法通过焊接的方式进行密封连接,对于金属材料行业来说,不同材质的管材即使是勉强焊接上了,强度也是相对较差的,因此在目前使用过程中,铜管与钛管的连接是通过使用一个铜质螺纹连接头配合密封圈来连接,而一个铜质螺纹连接头的市场价在15元左右,而且还要在铜管和钛管的外壁上加工 ...