The utility model provides a medical delivery liner for respiratory medicine, including a main body and a marking mechanism. The internal part of the main body is provided with a compressor, the right side of the compressor is connected with an intake pipe, the top part of the compressor is connected with a spray pipe, the compressor is connected with an atomizing cup through a spray pipe, and the top part of the atomizing cup is provided with an outlet. The top of the cup cover is equipped with a cup cover, the bottom of the cup cover is connected with a connecting pipe, the top of the cup cover is equipped with an inhalation port, the surface of the suction port is covered with an inhalation sleeve, and the outer surface of the main body is equipped with a marking mechanism, which consists of a marking cloth, a reel, a rotary shaft, a plug and a tail pipe. The inner part of the reel pipe is equipped with a rotating shaft, and the marking clo The surface is connected with the rotating shaft, the plug is installed on both sides of the reel pipe, and the tail pipe is installed at the bottom of the marking cloth. Compared with the existing technology, the utility model has the following beneficial effects: the doctor can write the medication information on the marking cloth, which can make the patient know the medication information simply and clearly.
如今在空气污染越来越严重的情况下,加上季节转换期间的气候的骤寒骤暖,呼吸道的疾病患者大大地增加。传统的吃药打针治疗的模式是无法满足各种的复杂的治疗的条件和现代人对生活的高品质的需求的,因此药液的雾化治疗就显得是意义非常重大了医用雾化器主要用于治疗各种上下呼吸系统疾病,如感冒、发热、咳嗽、哮喘、咽喉肿痛、咽炎、鼻炎、支气管炎、尘肺等气管、支气管、肺泡、胸腔内所发生的疾病。雾化吸入治疗是呼吸系统疾病治疗方法中一种重要和有效的治疗方法,采用雾化吸入器将药液雾化成微小颗粒,药物通过呼吸吸入的方式进入呼吸道和肺部沉积,从而达到无痛、迅速有效治疗的目的使用的雾化原理主要有三种,一种是超声波雾化器,一种是压缩雾化器,一种是网式雾化器。超声雾化器:利用超声原理,将药液雾化。超声雾化器的喷雾器对雾粒无选择性,所以产生的药物颗粒大部分仅能沉积在口腔、喉部等上呼吸道,而且由于肺部的沉积量很少,不能有效治疗下呼吸道疾病。同时,由于超声波雾化器产生的雾粒大,雾化快,导致患者吸入过多的水蒸气,使呼吸道湿化,呼吸道内原先部分堵塞支气管的干稠分泌物吸收水分后膨胀,加大呼吸道阻力,可能会产生缺氧现象,且超声波雾化器会使药液结成水珠挂在内腔壁上,对下呼吸道疾病效果不佳,对药物需求量大,造成浪费的现象。空气压缩式雾化器:也叫射流式雾化,是根据文丘里喷射原理,利用压缩空气通过细小管口形成高速气流,产生的负压带动液体或其它流体一起喷射到阻挡物上,在高速撞击下向周围飞溅使液滴变成雾状微粒从出气管喷出。气体 ...