The invention discloses a processing technology and eating method of pure tartary buckwheat with original ecological convenience and ready-to-eat, which belongs to the technical field of food production. The method takes the alpine tartary buckwheat in the alpine mountainous area above 2000 meters above sea level as raw material, and is prepared into an ecological, healthy, convenient, medicinal and edible Alpine pure tary buckwheat product through the production process. The production process includes material selection, cleaning (screening, removing stone), shelling, grinding and packaging. The edible method includes taking appropriate drinking water at room temperature, mixing original pure tartary buckwheat flour with appropriate proportion to form pure tartary buckwheat pulp, pouring appropriate proportion of boiling water to prepare original pure tartary buckwheat flour porridge, or making tary buckwheat pastry or tary buckwheat cake with stirred pure tary buckwheat pulp. The purely tartary buckwheat convenient food of the invention has simple production process, ecological health, convenient eating, fast, meets the needs of consumers for safe, healthy, convenient and green food, is suitable for health care and health maintenance, and is beneficial to large-scale production of tartary buckwheat processing industry.
苦荞富含多种营养物质,苦荞不属禾本科,而属蓼科,与人们所熟悉的"何首乌、大黄"等同属蓼科,是我国药食同源文化的典型体现,苦荞兼具“养生、保健、食疗”三重功效。苦荞被誉为"五谷之王",三降食品(降血压,降血糖,降血脂),苦荞是自然界中甚少的药食两用作物,苦荞将七大营养素完全集于一身,不是药,不是保健品,是能当饭吃的食品,因为其特殊的生长环境,本身苦荞就富含硒元素,对人体起到自然补充硒的作用,有着卓越的营养保健价值和非凡的食疗功效。据《本草纲目》记载:苦荞味苦,性平寒,能实肠胃,益气力,续精神,利耳目,炼五脏渣秽;在《千金要方》、《中药大辞典》及相关文献中对苦荞都有记载:可安神、活气血、降气宽肠、清热肿风痛、祛积化滞、清肠、润肠、通便、止咳、平喘、抗炎、抗过敏、强心、减肥、美容等功效。苦荞即苦荞麦,学名鞑靼荞麦,别名荞叶七、野兰荞、万年荞、菠麦、乌麦、花荞。比甜荞即荞麦的营养价值高出很多。特别是生物类黄酮的含量是荞麦的13.5倍。苦荞拥有独特、全面、丰富的营养成份,而且药用特性好,有人体所必须的多种营养成份。苦荞有通便排毒的功效,民间又称其为"净肠草"。但是,由于目前食用苦荞产品大多苦荞成分含量少,导致苦荞的营养成分吸收及药用功效不明显,而且苦荞食用不方便快捷;苦荞是一种高寒山区种植的食物,产量低,种植户经济效益低,苦荞种植面积面临每年不断缩减的困境,急需苦荞食品食用方便、生态、健康的开发工艺,保护苦荞 ...